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In addition to the quest being a platformer, entire sections of the map would be in constant motion relative to each other. I want the jumps to be tricky enough that I'll inevitably miss them sometimes. I solo The Pit at-level in just under an hour, half an hour if I'm overleveled. If the jumps are a good challenge for me, then other people will definitely have trouble with them.
Of course, falling off should still be penalized. Getting back to the skies should require fighting one's way through monsters at ground level. These monsters should be more powerful than those on the ships, they should respawn, and the only advantage to killing them should be that, if they spot you and you DON'T kill them, you'll be eaten alive by dungeon alert.
Here's a possible scenario:
Operation: Save Your Allies' Butts.
Thanks to your valiant efforts, the fight against the Droaam is being taken to Khorvaire. Your allies have managed to set up a teleporter within Droaam's borders, to allow additional troops to be sent in. Unfortunately, things have gone wrong (the story of RPGs everywhere), and the teleporter has fallen under Droaam attack.
The teleporter itself is in a small redoubt. The terrain outside the redoubt is covered with Droaam heavy infantry, while the skies overhead are occupied by five Droaam airships, which continually bombard the redoubt. If you find yourself on the ground outside the redoubt, you'll have to contend both with Droaam infantry (who are much stronger than the sailors and mechanics manning the airships) and with bombardment from the ships overhead.
Under the circumstances, your allies are unwilling to risk additional troops on the teleporter, and the order to evacuate via the teleporter is expected to come in about an hour. Fortunately, the redoubt's commander has a clever idea that may turn the tide of battle. If you can plant a teleportation beacon in a particular location on each of the five Droaam airships overhead, then your allies will send additional troops to the redoubt, and these troops will be able to quickly teleport into and capture the airships.
There you have a mechanic for screw-ups-- if you fall to the ground, once you fight your way back to the redoubt, you can teleport directly to whichever air ships you have completed.
Of course, reaching the first air ship needs a story explanation. There's a crashed air ship nearby (the redoubt has SOME firepower). Use its still-functional ballistae to launch yourself to the first airborne ship. As you complete each ship, use its ballistae to launch your party to the next ship up.
So you plant the beacons, and the day is apparently saved, and you start the next mission:
Operation: Save Your Allies' Butts. Again.
It turns out that, oh darn, the air ships were attacked by magic super-regenerating harpies right when the first of your ally's troops started warping to the beacons. You must return to the skies quickly to hunt down these harpies so they can't ambush the troops warping in. This involves beating on a bird-lady, then watching which ship she runs to next and pursuing, sometimes jumping into an ambush. Because of their super-regeneration, you can't actually kill the harpies just by beating on them. Instead, the quest gives you weighted nets as a throwing weapon, which you must use while the harpies are airborne. Make all the harpies fall to the ground, and your allies can successfully board the ships. Oh, and, to keep life interesting, the harpies will man the ship-mounted cannons and shoot at you and whatever ship you're on. Extra chest if you can keep all five ships alive.