Due to Vacation and a lot of the server gone due to holidays I decided to go on a TR Spree. Ended up Capping 3 TR2's and 1 TR1 in 26 days. The first TR was the fastest at just over 4 days with Nick, and Kranix. We ended up 100k from cap on the end of Day 4 and decided we were all tired and wed just finish it in the morning. After seeing Nick's PM in action I decided what the hell and TR'd my Sorc Jenix into a Wiz PM. I had so much fun I Tr'd 3 times again. 2 - 6 day TR's and 1 - 9 Day TR. Still have 2 more TR's on the toon but a little burned out so gonna start it in a week.
I don't know how I would exactly show proof of all this but the guys that know me or on my server know. Anyway I think TRing can be great fun if you get a solid group of friends that you can all meet online on a schedule based team and knock them out real fast. It's a good break from end game and by the time your done your more then ready to hit those epics again.
More importantly I realized I HATE levels 1-5 LOVE levels 5-17 and HATE 17-20 the Most.