I would love to see this old school and very popular item added to DDO. I think it could add alot of fun to the game. If it did come into the game, this is how I'd like to see it.

A) Make it a random, very rare drop that can appear anywhere in the game, in both chests and end rewards.
B) Unbound. So you can sell it or trade it to those who would have the nerve to use it.
C) When you aquire the item allow only one card to be drawn and then the deck disappears.
D) Don't be nice! Make this an item that could be potentially very nasty, so people could actually weigh the risk vs reward before they draw the card. Every good effect gets a bad effect. As a Deck of Many Thing should be.
E) here's some effect I'd like to see on the cards.
Gain plus one to random stat/ Lose minus one to random stat.
Gain 50000 xp/ Lose 50000xp
Gain random magical item / Lose random magical item
Gain random amount of Platinum/ Lose random amount of Platinum
Instant Death/ Gain res shrine
Gain extra toon slot at creation/ Random Toon forever destroyed and deleted.-----JUST KIDDING!!!!!!!!!!!! LMAO

Lots of possibilities for something like this. These are just some of my ideas loosely based on the original deck. Some of the fun would be to see how many people rage quit when a negative affect happened! lol.
Anyways throw out some ideas of effects you'd like to see on a DDO Deck of Many Things.