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  1. #1
    Community Member SaisMatters's Avatar
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    Default Deck of Many Things.

    I would love to see this old school and very popular item added to DDO. I think it could add alot of fun to the game. If it did come into the game, this is how I'd like to see it.

    A) Make it a random, very rare drop that can appear anywhere in the game, in both chests and end rewards.
    B) Unbound. So you can sell it or trade it to those who would have the nerve to use it.
    C) When you aquire the item allow only one card to be drawn and then the deck disappears.
    D) Don't be nice! Make this an item that could be potentially very nasty, so people could actually weigh the risk vs reward before they draw the card. Every good effect gets a bad effect. As a Deck of Many Thing should be.
    E) here's some effect I'd like to see on the cards.
    Gain plus one to random stat/ Lose minus one to random stat.
    Gain 50000 xp/ Lose 50000xp
    Gain random magical item / Lose random magical item
    Gain random amount of Platinum/ Lose random amount of Platinum
    Instant Death/ Gain res shrine
    Gain extra toon slot at creation/ Random Toon forever destroyed and deleted.-----JUST KIDDING!!!!!!!!!!!! LMAO

    Lots of possibilities for something like this. These are just some of my ideas loosely based on the original deck. Some of the fun would be to see how many people rage quit when a negative affect happened! lol.
    Anyways throw out some ideas of effects you'd like to see on a DDO Deck of Many Things.

  2. #2
    Community Member drac317's Avatar
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    just use the actual deck from the DMG,or as close as possible.

    and u can draw more than one card

    but then i am a deckoholic
    X...what? that is my signature

  3. #3
    Community Member hityawithastick's Avatar
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    Summon an epic-warded wraith/1-hour death ward effect. C:
    Quote Originally Posted by Chai View Post
    Dragons cant be vorped.
    Wait! Where are you going? Come back here and die for my fleeting tactical advantage!
    Quote Originally Posted by jcTharin View Post
    Hityawithastick, the super-naked dragon-slayer.

  4. #4
    Community Member Emizand's Avatar
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    I still have nightmares from a deck I used over 30 years ago in P'n'P! You are one sick puppy Sais.

  5. #5
    Community Member der_kluge's Avatar
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    Why do you hate DDO?
    Brigette; Completionist! || Aoeryn; Wiz20(3rd life).

  6. #6
    Community Member drac317's Avatar
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    i had a sorc that used 8 differnt decks throughout his career,ands he's still kickin'.

    if i could find someone to let me use him in an epic campaign it would be on.

    and there are ways to reverse being 6 inches tall and purple

    nvm, that was his rod of wonder
    X...what? that is my signature

  7. #7
    Community Member SaisMatters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Emizand View Post

    I still have nightmares from a deck I used over 30 years ago in P'n'P! You are one sick puppy Sais.
    Hahaha So do I. I was never very lucky with the darn things. I like how they did the Deck in Balders Gate 2 in the expansion pack. That one was fun.

  8. #8
    Community Member doubledge's Avatar
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    Default You draw.........

    Hungry hamster!

    not so bad... yet.

  9. #9
    Community Member slothinator's Avatar
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    Default Hated that thing as a player

    Totally awesome as a DM. Loved the look on someone's face when they drew a card with a bad effect, and it stipulated they had to draw more cards. Forget the specific card.
    Sarlona: Stelvar, Stethos, Saltmint, Abbracadaver, Shaigh Hulud, Fujihowser MD, Soundwaive, Kuddlefish and some others

  10. #10
    Community Member TheMidnightMage's Avatar
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    Default Deck

    Loads of possible fun I would love it. Even the negatives where intresting at times. (Yes I had to rip up more than one PC) but some of the benifits where worth it.

  11. #11
    Community Member drac317's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slothinator View Post
    Totally awesome as a DM. Loved the look on someone's face when they drew a card with a bad effect, and it stipulated they had to draw more cards. Forget the specific card.
    Fool0. The FoolJoker (with trademark)Lose 10,000 experience points and you must draw again.

    JesterXII. The Hanged ManJoker (without trademark)Gain 10,000 XP or two more draws from the deck.

    IdiotTwo of pentaclesTwo of clubsLose Intelligence (permanent drain). You may draw again.

    my favs
    X...what? that is my signature

  12. #12
    Community Member SaisMatters's Avatar
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    Oh, I forgot about sex changes! lol Nothing funnier than watching someones toon change sex.

  13. #13
    Community Member doubledge's Avatar
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    someone would spam it rapidly before tr to change sex

  14. #14
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    Don't take this badly but it's a really bad idea. The deck of many things was always a ridiculous item and it would be worse in DDO. Everyone would be happy with positive effects but permanent negative effects? Not likely.

    Plus, the only balancing of the item in D&D had to do with deadly effects, which is incredibly impremanent in MMOs like DDO. You would have to make it character deletion to have the some kind of deterrent effect. Even then, the min / max power levelers can get a character to 20 in how much time? They're willing to TR for incredible experience costs to gain how many build points? This would just be an invitation for them to level characters over and over fishing for positive permanent effects and deleting all of the ones that got negatives.

    Ultimately, I think we need to ask this: what would it really add to the game?

  15. #15
    Community Member SaisMatters's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LucidPhilosophy View Post
    Don't take this badly but it's a really bad idea. The deck of many things was always a ridiculous item and it would be worse in DDO. Everyone would be happy with positive effects but permanent negative effects? Not likely.

    Plus, the only balancing of the item in D&D had to do with deadly effects, which is incredibly impremanent in MMOs like DDO. You would have to make it character deletion to have the some kind of deterrent effect. Even then, the min / max power levelers can get a character to 20 in how much time? They're willing to TR for incredible experience costs to gain how many build points? This would just be an invitation for them to level characters over and over fishing for positive permanent effects and deleting all of the ones that got negatives.

    Ultimately, I think we need to ask this: what would it really add to the game?
    See to me, there's not enough risk in this game. D+D always had risk. Item like Decks of Many Things, Artifacts, Wands of Wonder, and spells like Wish etc etc were always favorites because they carried risk. The bigger the reward, the bigger the risk. Of course anything they put into DDO would be a wimpy watered down version, so they don't make all the kiddies cry when they get a bad effect, but a little risk wouldn't hurt. As to what it would add to the game, simple, fun!

  16. #16
    Community Member jwdaniels's Avatar
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    Despite having several characters throughout the years with an 18 charisma and a small keep, this is definitely a very bad idea. Many of the cards' effects wouldn't translate well (change your alignment or be judged, gems falling from the sky, avoid any situation you choose, etc.) and others would be just plain broken - (defeat the next monster you face to gain a level? Hello Heyton's Rest).

    Proud officer of Crate and Barrel Smashing, LLC

  17. #17
    Community Member drac317's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SaisMatters View Post
    See to me, there's not enough risk in this game. D+D always had risk. Item like Decks of Many Things, Artifacts, Wands of Wonder, and spells like Wish etc etc were always favorites because they carried risk. The bigger the reward, the bigger the risk. Of course anything they put into DDO would be a wimpy watered down version, so they don't make all the kiddies cry when they get a bad effect, but a little risk wouldn't hurt. As to what it would add to the game, simple, fun!
    i miss all the really nasty effects they took of of potions of wonder.

    and now they tell you which ones are harmfull, utter ****!

    this game has too many crybabies.
    X...what? that is my signature

  18. #18
    Community Member donfilibuster's Avatar
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    Meddling with artifacts is serious and risky business, the deck is no different.
    The deck is not something you can find out at random while you walk from quest to quest.
    But it exist, lost and forgotten but real. Artifacts are like that.

    Conceivably you could ask a deity to let you have a draw from the deck and be granted the wish.
    The way the deck was depicted no deity could affect the outcome, just like different gods craft different artifacts.
    Or a king could exchange his kingdom for the chance, or a legendary hero be offered such a reward.

    Some ideas here:

    In ddo there gotta be some big and equivalent risk.
    Once per TR don't seem good enough, nor would be farming or grinding, even less buying with ddo points.
    And the drop rates for ultrarare items are too small already to then add a further tier.
    Some sort of sacrifice could be a good price, but would be on top of the punishment of pulling a bad card.
    Perhaps paying one of your past lives? Players can go and regain it yet it has measurable effort.

    And mind the roleplay factor is missing in ddo, which was an important part of dealing with artifacts.
    It could be some alternative quest ending just like when you can opt to fight the white dragon in prey of the hunter.
    For example, you secretly let the abbot ascend by betraying your raid party, they all die, but the abbot gives you a reward.
    Naturally you an always find your own willing party but it will be arranged beforehand just like with raid loot rules.
    Not doing so would be on the same lines as prematurely ending the shroud or opting to fight the dragon if the party didn't want to.

  19. #19
    Community Member salmag's Avatar
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    I am not oppsed to having Artifacts like the Deck in DDO but there would have to be risks vs. rewards. I would implement a deck like so:

    Deck of Many Things
    Plaque -- Tarot Card -- Playing Card -- Summary of Effect

    Balance -- XI. Justice -- Two of spades -- Change alignment instantly.
    keep this card
    Comet -- Two of swords -- Two of diamonds -- Defeat the next monster you meet to gain one level.
    Change monster to be of your current level
    Donjon -- Four of swords -- Ace of spades -- You are imprisoned.
    Basically, TR losing ALL equipment in backpack and on character
    Euryale -- Ten of swords -- Queen of spades -- -1 penalty on all saving throws henceforth.
    permanent change even through subsequent TRs
    The Fates -- Three of cups -- Ace of hearts -- Avoid any situation you choose . . . once.
    Delete this card
    Flames -- XV. The Devil -- Queen of clubs -- Enmity between you and an outsider.
    All evil outsiders treat you like a favored enemy
    Fool -- 0. The Fool -- Joker (with trademark) -- Lose 10,000 experience points and you must draw again.
    Change it to 100,000 XP and must draw again
    Gem -- Seven of cups -- Two of hearts -- Gain your choice of twenty-five pieces of jewelry or fifty gems.
    Keep, but change values
    Idiot -- Two of pentacles -- Two of clubs -- Lose Intelligence (permanent drain). You may draw again.
    Keep, but change to -4 Intelligence
    Jester -- XII. The Hanged Man -- Joker (without trademark) -- Gain 10,000 XP or two more draws from the deck.
    Again, change it to 100,000 Xp or two more draws
    Key -- V. The Hierophant -- Queen of hearts -- Gain a major magic weapon.
    Keep, should be a +5 (x) of Greater (x) or similar
    Knight -- Page of swords -- Jack of hearts -- Gain the service of a 4th-level fighter.
    Keep, gain a hireling
    Moon -- XVIII. The Moon -- Queen of diamonds -- You are granted 1d4 wishes.
    Delete card
    Rogue -- Five of swords -- Jack of spades -- One of your friends turns against you.
    Delete this card
    Ruin -- XVI. The Tower -- King of spades -- Immediately lose all wealth and real property.
    Lose ALL items in inventory
    Skull -- XIII. Death -- Jack of clubs -- Defeat dread wraith or be forever destroyed.
    Defeat Epic Wraith - Treat as TR (losing ALL items) if player loses
    Star -- XVII. The Star -- Jack of diamonds -- Immediately gain a +2 inherent bonus to one ability score.
    Change to +4 bonus
    Sun -- XIX. The Sun -- King of diamonds -- Gain beneficial medium wondrous item and 50,000 XP.
    Change to 150,000 XP.
    Talons -- Queen of pentacles -- Ace of clubs -- All magic items you possess disappear permanently.
    Keep as is
    Throne -- Four of staves -- King of hearts -- Gain a +6 bonus on Diplomacy checks plus a small keep.
    Disregard the keep, make the Diplo check permanent through TRs
    Vizier -- IX. The Hermit -- Ace of diamonds -- Know the answer to your next dilemma.
    Delete this card
    The Void -- Eight of swords -- King of clubs -- Body functions, but soul is trapped elsewhere.
    Character gets TR'd but does not lose items

    A character can only pull a card while in a dungeon.
    Once a card is pulled, Deck disappears unless player told to pick again.

    I realize some penalties are harsh such as forcing someone to TR but this is a Major Artifact and Risk should be involved.

    Just some thoughts.

  20. #20
    Community Member
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    Default The Minor, Lesser and Greater Deck of Many Things

    Quote Originally Posted by LucidPhilosophy View Post
    Ultimately, I think we need to ask this: what would it really add to the game?
    Easily implemented fun (I'm pretty sure) for some players whilst others can opt out just like they do for pots of wonder.

    BUT if you make the cards have such bad consequences as some here ask for the deck will only appeal to the few who like such mad risk taking and dont mind losing something they have spent so long working on or having it seriously disadvantaged.

    The only others who would take the chance would be those stupid enough not to realise the consequences until its too late. Either way is it worth while implementing such features for the few who will take the mad risk with responsibility or to have multiple threads with complaints of those who wont accept its their responsibility of choice when they have a major negative effect mess up their toon?

    I think there should be a minor, lesser and greater deck of cards if its to be worthwhile implementing this item so that a large portion of the DDO community can be involved with a choice of the increase in the risk they are willing to take. Each deck should have a chance to drop at any level as the nasty effects of the losing cards are the balancing factor to the power of the positive cards instead of using level to balance it for players as with tomes and items.

    • The Minor Deck of Cards effects should consist of six hour buffs and debuffs, eg a six hour prayer effect which can be slightly helpful versus a six hour curse effect which is not too harmful or maybe a stat increased by two for this time limit versus a stat decreased by two. I would also have fun effects for the laugh factor such as a 3% chance to break into a 3 second dance every time you are hit versus a similar chance to get a +4 to hit and damage for 3 seconds.
    • The Lesser Deck of Cards is a one lifetime effect such as a stat increased or decreased by two or an extra feat versus losing a feat.
    • The Greater Deck of Cards is the grandaddy of them all. A permanent stat increase by two versus the negative of this both through all TRs or even the possibility of getting a random powerful btc raid/quest item, large ingredient or epic ingredient versus losing one. In regards to raid items all of that kind are lost ( so if you have three sos swords you lose them all otherwise the loss of one is nothing but an exploit). The biggest reward here would be a limited wish applicable only to that toon and NOT useable through the account versus losing the gambling toon to the grim reaper permanently with all his stuff.

    This idea is by no means fixed and is open to be adapted.
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