To help you fix MyDDO? That is a feature that I really like having available. I will give whoever fixes it half of my obscenely long Greenis. The two halves will still be obscenely long.
Seriously, it has been 4 months.
To help you fix MyDDO? That is a feature that I really like having available. I will give whoever fixes it half of my obscenely long Greenis. The two halves will still be obscenely long.
Seriously, it has been 4 months.
and this
And I am tired of my lvl 20 cleric reporting in as a lvl 4/2/1 Bard/ftr/rogue
Yeah, ok those are useful tools.
Must fix please.
I would +1 you, but well...
As a web developer this fail sort of boggles my have a database and you have a web server. Put two and two together. We aren't talking rocket science here.
“If at first you don't succeed, keep on sucking till you do succeed.”
My toon information is updating properly, has been for over a month. Some guildies were caught in the glitch creating a character while the system was broken, I wonder if that's your problem. The guildie in question sent several bug reports in and it was finally fixed for her. The guild page is still jacked though. The level info is correct but the member information is not even close. As for my toon, my second life is still bugged, shows me as level 18, even though I have capped and TRed. Did you report on the mega-bug thread? I did. May have helped.
Lets see what happens when we try to link to the database to pull information.
<string table error; tableDID
Hey look, I got icy burst on my weapon.
The hilarity is that people STILL use MyDDO and act like it works. Dude you cant come in here youre level 13. (even though the LFM states that a level 20 requested to join the group.)
Actually, from what I understand, it's not that simple. The DB for MyDDO is not the same as the DB for the game. I assume they did this to keep the load off the game DB, and also because the MyDDO DB contains a lot of cruft that's not needed for the game (MyDDO settings, blog posts, et al).
The game DB is exported and then imported into MyDDO. The problem arises when there's a conflict (renamed characters, rerolled characters, or just plain tomfoolery). Apparently, Turbine's idea of conflict resolution is to toss the offending data.
It's still not rocket science, but it's not something you can fix by reading "PHP for Dummies."
Edit to add:
But freaking fix it already, 'k Turbine?
This is the date it last updated for my main, Lonehawk on Kyber: Data Last Updated: 07/31/2010 5:50 pm
Since then I've TRed him and he's 6th level again. By the time they fix it I'll have lapped myself.
Please fix, I didn't get into a few shroud runs before because people used this to "gate" people and it was not showing that I had 320 HP among other improvements.
this thread is just slightly leaning over the ledge of insanity. and a little to the left... and lower.