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  1. #1
    Community Member ganondalf's Avatar
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    Default Something that bothers me.

    Not sure why it has taken me this long to make a thread about it, but when I first saw how much larger half-orcs were compared to warforged I was a tad bit disappointed in Turbine. The 3.5 player handbook states that a typical half-orc stands between 6-7 feet tall and weighs 180-250 pounds. Warforged on the other hand are described as being 6'-6'6" tall and weighing 270-300 pounds.

    Now, I don't really have a problem with them being taller, but I think their bulkiness is being highly exaggerated. If anything they should be slightly taller, fleshy versions of warforged in regards to body structure. It makes sense that warforged are heavier since they're made of wood, stone and metal, however I don't think that half-orcs should look the way they do. If anything they should have denser muscles instead of more muscles. I just think they look a bit freakish (more than they should anyway). I mean there is no way that these half-orcs weigh less than 250 pounds with the way that they are presented in game.

    What are your thoughts?

  2. #2
    Community Member Mr_Ed7's Avatar
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    Not a fan of the Warforged, but I am a fan of Half-Orcs and I agree with you.
    Especillay if your 3.5 citation is true.

    In AD&D your Half-Orc could be just as likely to be Gollum-like as Hulk-like.
    My first Half-Orc was a beggar of a rogue and more Gollum like.

    On a future wish list of mine would be the ability to make your characters fat or skinny, short or tall, or muscular or not etc.

    So yes the Half-Orcs have been "Hulkified" and I could see how a "robot" could be bigger than my "monster".
    The One True Fighter/Wizard Father of the Alliance General Orcneas of ORC

  3. #3
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    you've also got to keep in mind Warforged are of a dense material, even wood with the same mass as a human being would weigh more. I can agree with the previous post that says half-orcs can be shrimpy too, as can elves be ripped like Jesus, but those are what i call the exception not the rule. but based on the orc models and human models in game, i think they've got a rather accurate depiction of the half-orc. personally i don't like the top heavy look. but in game orcs are top heavy, so it makes sense.

  4. #4
    Community Member ganondalf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Urvine View Post
    you've also got to keep in mind Warforged are of a dense material, even wood with the same mass as a human being would weigh more.
    I said that in my opening post.

  5. #5
    Community Member Astraghal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Urvine View Post
    you've also got to keep in mind Warforged are of a dense material, even wood with the same mass as a human being would weigh more.
    Wood with the same mass as a human being would weight the same.

    I think you mean the same volume and if so then that's not true as humans are mostly water and wood is less dense than water, which is why wood floats.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Astraghal View Post
    Wood with the same mass as a human being would weight the same.

    I think you mean the same volume and if so then that's not true as humans are mostly water and wood is less dense than water, which is why wood floats.
    Magical wood on the other hand.... bah.

    Anyway, I agree, from a physics point of view, you can't assume that Warforged are denser than human/fleshie bodies at any given volume.
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  7. #7
    Community Member donfilibuster's Avatar
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    Yeah WF are dense, and the half orcs muscles come from str alone so they are right in having some bodybuilding.
    This you'd expect from giant types, but the only weak goblinoids may be the actual goblins. Orcs are str based in 3.5e.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by ganondalf View Post
    Not sure why it has taken me this long to make a thread about it, but when I first saw how much larger half-orcs were compared to warforged I was a tad bit disappointed in Turbine. The 3.5 player handbook states that a typical half-orc stands between 6-7 feet tall and weighs 180-250 pounds. Warforged on the other hand are described as being 6'-6'6" tall and weighing 270-300 pounds.

    Now, I don't really have a problem with them being taller, but I think their bulkiness is being highly exaggerated. If anything they should be slightly taller, fleshy versions of warforged in regards to body structure. It makes sense that warforged are heavier since they're made of wood, stone and metal, however I don't think that half-orcs should look the way they do. If anything they should have denser muscles instead of more muscles. I just think they look a bit freakish (more than they should anyway). I mean there is no way that these half-orcs weigh less than 250 pounds with the way that they are presented in game.

    What are your thoughts?
    Well, there is a lot that they have changed from DDO rules. I can see that from an aesthetic point of view that having WF considerably taller would be a mixture of not very aesthetically pleasing or even slightly annoying to some people. Not only that. but think of all the little people running around. Some of them might get squished.

    Seriously though. WF already have a massive advantage on just about every front. Making them larger seems to me like it would be overdoing it. I mean, Half Orcs are minimally taller. They are more broader than taller. I'd imagine they might run into issues with player characters not actually being able to FIT into some of the small corridors, for instance in the Island of Lost Dreams solo quest "Raiding the Giant's Vault" or whatever it is called and making them bigger without increasing their collision detection field would just be silly. Plus, I'd imagine that people would complain that they are easier to hit as a result. From a game design point of view, it's not a very promising outcome however you look at it for the design team.

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