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Thread: The Misfit Toys

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    Default The Misfit Toys

    We are a small guild currently (14 active accounts and only guild level 47) but we are looking to add to our ranks.

    We are just a guild of good friends. We started off as "refugees" from another guild that we left. We left that other guild due to conflicts of interests.

    We don't put emphasis on following alot of rules. Our biggest emphasis is just having fun. This is a game and is meant for enjoyment, not raising your stress levels. We help each other out with whatever we can, but mostly we socialize and have alot of fun.

    Guild rules are really simple:
    1) Have fun and enjoy the game!
    2) Don't **** off the boss or he'll boot you out (LOL)!
    3) New people understand that we will help you LEARN the game but if you **** off an officer they will let the leader know and he'll talk to you ONCE on that subject. If you continue to irritate people on that subject, you're history.
    4) Leave the drama at the login screen. Don't claim you don't want drama and then bring it into the group. If you do, you're history.

    Our playtimes vary but generally in the evenings during the week and open on the weekends. Currently with my new position at work I am sometimes on in the mornings (8am Pacific until around Noonish Pacific).

    We don't require raiding.
    We don't require UBER loot.
    We don't require un-questioning knowledge of the game.
    We don't require that you be VIP.

    We welcome anyone who would like to join us.
    We DO require that you have fun, enjoy the game and login once in awhile and say hi.

    So, if you're just looking to have fun and don't want to get lost in the crowd of a huge guild, or you have a small guild (under 10ish active accounts) and would like to become a Misfit Toy drop me a line here or to any of the toons in game listed in my sig.
    Last edited by Nerate_Mireth; 07-11-2011 at 07:21 PM.
    The Misfit Toys
    Nerate, Tarene, Lupina, Satina, Throckmorton, Dramain, Yarka, Unka, Cryptstalker, Scurd, Steadyhanded, Zonaari

    Armor Dye Kits?

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