Had a similar post running back on the EU. Thought I would keep one here as well.
Adhendants Pendant / Ancient Vulkorim Dagger / Bejewelled Letter Opener / Bloodstone / Bow Of The Element (air) / Bracers of Deftness / Bramble Casters / Cape of the Roc / Chainmail Coif / Collapsible Shortbow / Dusk Heart / Dustless Boots / Flint / Golden Greaves / Hyena Claw Necklace / Hruvayahs Medallion / Mirage / Mummy Wrappings / Ring of Bapomet / Silken Mail / Spectacles Of Spirit Light / Spectral Gloves / Staff of Inner Sight / StinkPelts Hide / Sting / ThornLord / Vambraces of Inner Light / Vollum / Vulkorim Pendant / Vulkorim Fighting Leathers / Vulkorim Dervish Robe / Ward of Undeath / Whirlwind / Xuum / Zephyr / Spiked Turban / Shield of the Scorpian
Cloak of the Silver Concord / Dragoneye / Helm of the Moranon / Kundarak Delving Suit / Kundarak Warding Bracers / Kundarak Warding Sheild / Necklace of the Silver Prophecy / Ring of the Silver Concord / Ruby Encrusted Gauntlets / Stonemeld Plate / Ironweave robe
Red Fens
Robe of Dissonance / Souleater / Ravens Talons / Bracers of the Claw / Boots of the mire / Twisted Talisman / Elemental Essence
Torq Scroll
Marilith Chain Scroll (yeah right...)
Chaosblade Scroll x2
Large Scales, Stones.
Via forum PM or chars in sig please.