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I had a hound run a few days ago that despite a rocky start did finish successfully but at the start I just thought, "*** were you thinking?". We had a player who bravely told us all he had never run hound before so we gave him the quick and dirty run down over voice and chat. We mentioned several times to not kill anything dog like at any point unless instructed otherwise. He played competently all the way to the raid entrance. However, as soon as we entered the raid he immediately, before buffs were even cast, ran into the center and started s**t housing puppies and mama alike. He wasn't the designated tank and the healers wisely opted to let things work themselves out naturally.
After the situation had stabilized again we reexplained everything and raised him at which point he performed fine. However, who the h*ll, on a raid they have never done, immediately just B-lines on entrance towards the biggest purple named they see, sans buffs, and starts wailing on it? The prospect of vehement nerd rage alone should have been more than sufficient deterrent had I been in his shoes.