The people who end up leading often seem to be quite knowledgeable....they seem to know the drill...some are even people I've grouped with before with great success through multiple lives and wide ranging content.
But for whatever reason it just seems that Sarlona PUGs just don't know how to do this raid to completion....the knowledge hasn't been passed on...something is being overlooked...and fail is the order of the day.
And what really gets me are the comments afterwards...."Oh it was a good try" "We just got unlucky" "It was just bad luck that such-and-such happened at the wrong time".....
...NO it wasn't bad luck ....we are a party chock full of level 20s, TRs, epip gear, raid loot, greensteel etc.....we didn't have bad luck... we screwed something up...but as I've never seen a successful Hound raid I have no idea what we did wrong or how to fix it next time.