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i'm not sure you fully grasp what you're saying. when you have those 3 spell-likes available to you, there probably won't *be* any cooldown.
also, the ranged dps is not going to be even remotely close to the highest. first of all, there is a distinct lack of good named repeaters. secondly, strength is *waaaay* easier to buff than int, even when you've got a wizard. thirdly, no manyshot with repeaters (not that you'll likely have most of the feats you need for decent ranged damage anyways). fourthly, no arcane archer abilities. fifthly, you won't have heavy repeater proficiency or you'll be missing some key ranged dps feats. sixthly, you won't have trap skills that will beat a max int mechanic, since you'll only have +3 int available that the mechanic wouldn't, and the mechanic has +2 trap skills from the second tier of mechanic... which is guaranteed to at least equal, and potentially exceed, your trap skills, at least until you add in that added tier of trap skill enhancements the mechanic II is forced to take. seventhly, nobody cares if you have the highest trap skills possible, they care in a very binary fashion (if they care at all); it is either enough, or it is not. nothing else matters. eighthly, your 3d6 sneak attack (well, plus a little more) is a joke compared to the 14d6+20 (or 14d6+28) that a pure repeater rogue will be doing.
it might be a moderately viable build, but do yourself a favor, and go full-on evocation spec archmage with enlarge spell. you'll probably have better dps than the above build, and while your absolute maximum range won't be quite as good, it's still plenty. or, make a pure repeater rogue (which comes much less highly recommended, unless you specifically want to build a repeater rogue... about the only area the repeater rogue build is best for is at being a repeater build, otherwise it really doesn't have much of anything meaningful to offer).