I had a Kiwi in Ghola Fan a couple of weeks ago. He was a double-TR'd monk. He literally solo'd one side of the quest while the other 5 of us did the other side. And he was done with his side first.
(In case you've never done this quest, it's kind of a mirror image thing where you have to go through kill stuff, and get a crest to open a central doorway. Both sides are basically equivalent in terms of difficulty.)
Midway, we nearly wiped at a trapped stairwell. He came back and got all our stones so we could res. At the final room, we wiped, except for him. And he managed to face off against at least 20 ogres by himself, get our stones, and help us get raised. He did end up dying once, but we were lucky enough to finish the quest after that anyway.
We even commented on how awesome he was, but despite the fact that he was a double-TR, he admitted to just being very skilled at the game itself. So, he knew how to avoid damage altogether. He probably would have done just as well on a gimp character as he did with that one, at least as far as his survivability was concerned.
I think they're forced to. Im playing at kiwi/ozzie times so someone in my party has to have some kind of skill.
Feminine(TR 20 Barb) | Trueist(TR 18/2 Clonk) | Eninimef(TRing 18/1/1 Ranger/Barb/Ftr) | Jerzey(20 Monk) | Posterior(20 Wizard) |
Femjam(11/1/1 Bard/Barb/Ftr) | Truelife(11/1/1 Rogue/Barb/Ftr) | Colnbluth(TR 10 Sorc)
Server: Khyber - Guild: Ransack
I never even thought about this until now...I don't recall ever being in a crappy group when there was an Aussie/Kiwi in it. Only one thing bugs me sometimes, though: if their accent is thick, I'll miss 70-90% of what they're saying![]()
I didn't realize people's accents/voices had this much of an impact. It's kind of unnerving, actually, since I have one of those voices where A) it's hard to tell if I'm a guy or a girl, B) I sound about 15 years younger than I really am, and C) anything I say over the mic/phone comes out in a flat, impolite-sounding tone, no matter how happy I am. So, ehh...I'm probably not very popular *LOL*
and you are correct. I'd love to be able to do some of the raids in game with a large pool of players to choose from. but thats not a luxuray i can enjoy being from New Zealand and playing at the "odd" hours. So i just learnt what i need to know and go do stuff, you join my groups and all you need do is pike and we are still gonna win
you say *WE* have an accent..heheheh every tried listening to yourselfThat said I laugh when ever a north american calls me british - we sound so different from brits.
its also one reason i dont use the mic much if ever these days, it gets very tireing having to repeat yourself so many times.
Somedays your the Bug
Somedays your the Windscreen.
I have no idea. I think he mentioned something about having a vacation house out near Gold Coast, but that doesn't really tell me anything as to where he lives. About the only real thing I know of where he's at, is that he lives down the street from Cleve Blackmore, who has been promising the cRPG Grimoire to be coming soon, for 14 years now. I even got a beta, and it was basically complete, except that the operating systems and hardware have long long since left it behind. It needs work to run in Win7, but worked fine in XP.
Anyone who disagrees is a Terrorist...
Cthulhu 2020 Never settle for the lesser evil...