I'm not calling that build ineffective, but I'd prefer not to ever make a build that way largely because the extra bludgeon feats you take are pointless. I'll explain.
1. You grabbed WF:blunt, wasted feat for +1 to hit when the epic wiz king himself only has low 60's ac. I have hit the wiz king on a 2 with a maul without having any ap or feats toward blunt weapons. Especially with the to-hit numbers you claim to have in that thread, you should be hitting him on a 2 while TWF as well if that was your preferred weapon style.
2. The only time I see you actually making use of your 3 TWF feats and grab two weapons is for autocritical trash. Wasting 3 feats to kill already autocritical trash quicker cannot be justified by myself or anyone else when you are clearly admitting that the THF aspects of that build yield greater dps against bosses or non-autocritical trash.
3. You also acquire WS:bludgeon, +2 dmg for the time you are using a bludgeon weapon, I imagine perhaps when fighting the wiz king is also something I wouldn't be able to justify.
When you choose the fighter class at creation, you do that knowing that their time to shine is with their signature weapon. Adding a completely useless +1 to hit from a feat to a weapon that you will use so infrequently you won't even notice it; with another +2 dmg/hit feat is pointless. The barbarian is much more consistent at delivering high dps to bludgeon targets even with the WS bludgeon feat- its 2 dmg.
I quote:
"A Fighter can take both TWF and THF to maximise not only single target DPS..."
Well, in that case, I don't see Greater weapon specializations: bludgeon in that feat list either, you already aren't maximizing your single target dps under "all circumstances."
For all practical puposes, although the idea has some value, the build won't function very well in my opinion. You don't have feat room for even the pally past life if you were to choose to acquire one.