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  1. #1
    Community Member bnrilfun's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Default Cannot adjust settings for last couple of days

    I have not changed anything on my system for over a month other than installing Medal of Honor and Call of Duty Black ops, and DDO worked since then.

    Last couple of days the brightness, contrast, and gamma no longer move. When I drag them up or down they rubber band back. The critical one is gamma as it is extremely low and so in quests or zones where it is night I lose the ability to see where I am going.

    I have a nVidia GTX 275 with the latest 260 series video drivers which I have been using for almost a month now and things have been working fine.

    I have seen this happen when I Alt Tab out of the game, but usually if I change it to windowed mode, then back to full screen mode they would correct themselves, but that has not worked lately. I even reset the settings back to default and then chose optimal and it was still messed up.

    I am running in dirextx10 mode, and have not tried switching to 9, which I will try tonight.

    Any thoughts?

    Thanks Benrill Funn
    What do you mean you weren't ready for me to pull, I had Spellpoints???

    Thelanis formerly of Xoriat the one true server

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Hi bnrilfun,

    The best route to take would be to close the game; delete your C:\Users\bnrilfun\Documents\Dungeons and Dragons Online\Userpreferences.ini file and let the game recreate the file and then use the 'detect optimal settings' tickbox.

  3. #3
    Community Member bnrilfun's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    thanks trying that now.
    What do you mean you weren't ready for me to pull, I had Spellpoints???

    Thelanis formerly of Xoriat the one true server

  4. #4
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Did this work for you? I'm getting the same

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