I bought a drow a while back, and used it on a server, I tried to make one on another, and it wont let me. My question is, Does buying one only work once? If so, If i delete the one i made on another server, can i remake it with out buying again?
I bought a drow a while back, and used it on a server, I tried to make one on another, and it wont let me. My question is, Does buying one only work once? If so, If i delete the one i made on another server, can i remake it with out buying again?
if you bought it on the DDO store its an account unlock/ server wide.
if you gained drow via the gain 400 favor on one server then the drow is only available on the server you unlocked it on.
if you bought it and not unlocked it get in touch with customer support is my only advise.
Somedays your the Bug
Somedays your the Windscreen.
I bought it from the store.. and made it on cannith.. I tired to make another on gallendra but cant.. Ill try going to the harbor on another toon.. see what happens
Check with account support (not the in-game support, nor the tech support, nor the bug reports).
Account support can check your purchases and do give you reply and solution (though still put you on queue unless you phone).