So I'm curious if anyone else has tried something similar to this, and/or for any suggestions others might have on how to polish up the build idea. I'm thinking I might try to run him in game, see how it works out.
Warforged, Wizard 12 / 'dps' (thinking fighter or barb here) 6 / rogue 2
Starting stats:
Str 18
Dex 8
Con 18
Int 14
Wis 6
Cha 6
Rogue level first, for skills, keeping search and disable maxed, should be able to trapmonkey reasonably well.
Functions mostly as DPS w/two-handers, with spells being used for buffs/self-healing. Blademark docent early on, one of the two robes that cast inflict light wounds on you once a high enough level, bloody cleaver with vamprism at level 10.
Ultimate goal is a character that can buff up himself/party (saving the sp of other, pure, casters for things they do better), play trap monkey, do at least reasonable DPS even if not absolutely top tier, and be darn hard to kill -- once geared, he'll generally have 15 temp hp (from the bloody cleaver), stone skin, and the healing to get through from 1 CLW every time he's hit, for an effective ~35 DR...