I had a laptop incident recently so was unable to play DDO. I miss it so much.
This, however, gave me a few weeks to appreciate DDO.
DDO truly is a unique game that is so much better than other MMOs. Here are some of my opinions on why.
1) Getting to level 20 is not a grind and is relatively easy (for your first life).
2) There is no such thing as a botter in DDO (quests require some form of human thinking, pikers do not count).
3) You can own the whole game and its content (theoretically possible through TP farming though not usually feasible).
4) Everyone gets their own share of loot (no hogging of loot, no kill-stealing, no 'map camping'. Loot drama does not count).
5) XP system is amazing. XP is given to everyone in the party regardless of their role and not 'the majority is given to the one that deals the most damage leaving support characters with nothing' (No comments here).
6) Cooperation is key to success (I have not seen another MMORPG where players needed this much detail in cooperation, just think of HoX).
7) Crafting is always 100% successful (Other games make you grind over and over again for the ingredients just so you can have a 50% chance or lower to actually craft the items while DDO rewards your hard work with the item you want).
8) The DDO Store is not essential to gaming (Other than the adventure packs, shared bank etc, the rest of the items are either for cosmetic purposes, are items that are not better than in-game versions or things that we can get by without).
9) Infinite build possibilities (Multiclassing, 'nuff said).
10) Variety (Every quest is fresh and not you killing a kobold for the millionth time in the millionth quest. One moment you're beating on giants and the next you're fighting against devils/demons, sry can't tell the difference, in another plane)
Extra: Nat Gann. (He's a real mystery and he keeps me playing this game because I want to know what happened to him. He has left several traces in several quests and this makes me believe that he will be in future quests)
What's your top ten?
P.S. This post is just my way of saying thanks for being such a great game. Also, everytime I see someone whine about the game, I get incredibly jealous that you can still actually play the game. So intead of whining, enjoy it!