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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default Thanks Ghallanda!

    Hey I was favor farming in your server for about a week, ish. And I have to say I like the way Ghallanda runs things. Your server has a huge amount of true ressed toons. But not only are the true ressed they're played by players that know what they are doings. Unlike another server I was on. Like alot of servers out there your has a good amount of new players. Unlike other servers I can tell you that yours had at least one extreamly knowaglable player trying to explain to the newer players there. This guy had a resamay the langth of my ego. The bad thing about that was the situation was butting heads. Newer players where putting hate on him and he was giving it right back.

    In the partys I was in the players where polite and fun to be around. People would greet you and tell you good bye. That in its self sounded simple but DOES not all ways happen. Yes you can be too polite. But still, I feel that your server is a shining expole of how to be polite and how to do it right.

    The magority of players I found here where again polite and knowable zergers.
    I like to zerg thro the quests. I like to zerg quests with the party doing it as a whole. I like zerging quests for the kill count. I also like to zerg quests to be the jerk that zerged the quest. I do that becuase people automaticly have a pretence beleif that everyone that is low leveled and they dont know is a total noob. The next highest amount where people who would do anything for exp types. Thankfuly I meet alot of people that liked to zerg the quest.

    You did have bad apples every now and then. Like people telling me how to play with out knowing how much I knew. Also I did get into a party doing Chrono. Where a healer was having a breakdown about anti zerging. I felt sorry for the guy but at the same time he didnt have a right to descrimanate a play style. So I left my 2 cents and got out of that party, like faster then a zerging wf monk on a haste clicky high.

    I did run into a few battle clerics. Honestly this is the one build that I am not too into. I ran into one that I did like. A warforged battle cleric. No one lvl fighter mind you. This player healed if needed he buffed to help out the healer. Also he got some kills him self. Like a real battlecleric should. The craptasitic battle clerics I ran into was a pure cleric that wouldnt heal. She didnt get a kill eather. But most of the quest all she did was pike. I did explain to her that I let her in the party to heal. Then you had this tool of a cleric 4 cleric 1 fighter, race warforged. Honestly I didnt even let them in the party. They sent me a tell claiming wf war preist I squelched. Ya maybe I should have been polite about it.

    So ya I will be coming back to your server sometime soon. I am shure of that as my spelling is bad.
    Last edited by xMalix; 01-08-2011 at 01:42 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Dissindra's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Default o.o

    hey, nobody is farming our favor! give it back!
    see Stormreach Illustrated here
    meet us Friends of Nice and Slow at
    chars on Ghallanda: Plinh, Terkaan, Moonbee, Olywer, Dissindra, Nonom, Jeahnna

  3. #3
    Community Member Sothary's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Dissindra View Post
    hey, nobody is farming our favor! give it back!
    Don't they sell it in the Turbine store? =)
    I don't trust anything that bleeds for seven days and still lives...

  4. #4
    Community Member Chette's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by xMalix View Post
    Then you had this tool of a cleric 4 cleric 1 fighter, race warforged. Honestly I didnt even let them in the party. They sent me a tell claiming wf war preist I squelched. Ya maybe I should have been polite about it.
    Some battle clerics will be terrible, the same way some warforged monks will be terrible. But perhaps ignoring people completely because you don't know how to play their build isn't the best way to introduce yourself to a new server...

    Glad you enjoyed your time here either way
    ~ Cheara : Raizertron : Pozitron : Higgz Bowtron : Illudium : Staphe Infection : Abraa Capocus ~
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