Okay I've always loved DBZ and I used to stare at the ceiling and Kamehameha it to smithereens in my mind.
DDO is similar to DBZ in that they both have awesome combat. I'm know the devs can be creative, I mean look at the neat burst thingies they gave clerics.. all pretty and stuff.
Well, I was thinking for the new Sorcerer prestige classes, could we get some moves that get stronger the more we charge them?
It would be SO COOL to sit there and gather a ball of energy (sort of like how monks meditate) and then release it at something. The longer we charge it, the more SP it costs or something, but it'll do more damage. (with limitations)
Also, more multi-attack spells better than Magic Missile would be cool too, sort of like
http://dragonball.wikia.com/wiki/Scatter_Shot but only you sit there and keep tapping it.
Now, I know full well that these new spells need to exist in the DnD spells list already prior to being implemented, but what I'm requesting is the devs look for spells they could make look amazing and give a DBZ twist to them.
The ability to fly would also be nice, even if just in public instances for travel. There are invisible walls around each house, there is no abusing it. Please, let me fly really fast and do neat tricks in the air. (perhaps redo the current Fly affect you get from the Stormreaver now, since it's more of a oddly-hover-your-guy-around thing)
tl;dr - I want to be more like a Super Saiyan without breaking the game or unbalancing anything unless you think one class being way cooler than all the other classes is unbalancing.