How often have you fallen short of -the- perfect build just because you ran out of Action Points to spend on Enhancements?
A Feat which gave extra AP would be awesome, and really round out DDO's famed flexibility in character-building even more nicely.
especially for classes like my Paladin, where I'd swap out Extend just to have some more AP at the higher levels.
Now for the specifics:
- Let's call this Feat, Heroic Adaptability, or some such.
- +3 would be too few and +7 too many. So the number of extra APs a Feat like that should give could be from 4 to 6.
- OR, this Feat could be like Toughness, where you can take it multiple times, and each time it would grant you [2 to 4] AP. Imagine Fighters or Monks with that!
- The earliest Character Level that Heroic Adaptability becomes available at could be between 10 to 15, inclusive.
- With regards to swapping Feats through Fred, either this Feat should not be swappable unless you have 4-6 APs left free (unspent,) or swapping Heroic Adaptability would reset all your Enhancements as well. Maybe this Feat simply shouldn't be swappable at all.
- As long as you have Heroic Adaptability, resetting your Enhancements should cost double their usual amount.
Potential for being too overpowered, you say? Hell, you're giving up a whole FEAT!
Even for classes with surplus Feats like Fighters, Monks, or even Wizards, the worst that an optional compromise like this would do is really open the possibilities for even more varied builds.