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Thread: Epic Tide Turns

  1. #1
    Community Member ArtosKincaid's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Default Epic Tide Turns

    Please change Tide Turns to have a shard drop rate similar to how the other 6 man only (Phiarlan Carnival and Red Fens) epics work. The shard drop rate is abysmal, and the epics from the dungeons do not deserve the level of difficult involved in obtaining them.

    If they aren't going to have a power level comparable to that of the epic raids, there's no reason the a shard shouldn't drop every time for each person in the run. They are very niche items with the exception of the monk bracers, which are even replaceable now. Getting people to actually run the dungeon is a royal pain, and now that the drow have 36+ SR, it's not something you can easily solo or short man, especially with the HP and regen rate on the final boss.
    Last edited by ArtosKincaid; 01-06-2011 at 10:57 PM.
    Arthad - paladin, got the SoS, got the seal, someone pass me the shard plzkthx
    Alts: Aneiryn - bard; Andrasten - TR sorc; Aedden - cleric; Aeldrik - monk

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