First, some background.
My Bard is Hobadash, in Eternal Wrath on Sarlona. I created him in July, leveled him with a group of TRs (they loved it!). I then TRed him about a week after Update 8 dropped, after I’d had some time to play with the changes to the Spellsinger PrE and kind of know what was coming at me.
I have:
- Level 18, banking 19, 200k from cap.
- Spellsinger II
- Lingering Song IV (Inspire Courage now @ 7:12)
- Inspired Attack II
- Inspired Damage III
So that’s me so far. A CC Spellsinger Bard who has maxed his durations and damage song, and makes sure the other casters feel the SP regen love. My Inspire Attack is II out of III, so it’s not like it can get much higher.
With this in mind, my current problem is when I have other bards in party of different PrEs, I notice the following:
Warchanter (Normally the splash builds, so they have on average 14 levels of Bard to my 18.)
I do all the Spell-related songs that I feel like doing. I buff. I buff some more. I make sure there’s no one that might actually benefit from Inspire Heroics. I wait. I wait a little bit more. Then, after waiting and not getting anything else, I toss Inspire Courage. 7:12 Duration, with most the buffs available to me.
Suddenly, the Warchanter remembers what his job is. He’ll toss out Inspire Courage, and Inspire Greatness. His songs trump mine by (I think?) +1/+1, so they take priority. My buff is removed from everyone’s bar, his replaces it. Only problem is, his duration is somewhere around 4:10 or something, and when his runs out, mine does not come back. Its tune has been erased from existence. If I re-sing during his song, the song is still wasted.
So I have to wait for the Warchanter’s song to be completely done. And then I wait. And I wait. 30 or so seconds or pass without an Inspire Courage, so I’m like “Well, my song is certainly better than no song.” I sing again. Again, suddenly the Warchanter puts his greataxe away long enough to remember that he has a Lute. There’s another song wasted.
These same Warchanters will also blow 3/4 of their SP bar giving people non-extended Blurs and GHs (14~16 minute duration). Keep in mind that prior to them hitting a single buff, I’ve already hit them with extended Blur, GH, and FOM (36 minute duration, 38 minutes if I decided to use Arcane Heightening first). I start with said Warchanter as a way of communicating the obvious : I have more SP, I have longer durations, I’ll handle the spell-based buffs. Nevertheless, I watch the Warchanter hit the people I’ve yet to hit in the party with said buffs, and his blue bar whittle away.
And let’s not forget the most fun part of having Warchanters around : Inspire Recklessness. Extra Killamajig powah! long as you don’t mind a critical hit every nows and then. I do not debate the usefulness of this song. It’s great, really is. At the same time, it is dangerous when used inappropriately. I’ve seen Warchanters wear 0% Fortification, just because their song would take away 10% if they were wearing Heavy Fort. I’ve seen Warchanters singing this song without announcing it, and without telling people how to undo its effects (no reason for a pure healer/caster to lose fortification. And honestly, at 390 HP *with* ship buff + Rage, I don’t really want to get crit hit, either), and singing it while in the middle of combat.
I’m talking in the middle of Sins of Attrition Elite, the devils cleaving away. I’m talking while there is trash out in VoD Elite, and the choice is between continuing to heal/clear trash, or stop long enough to toggle/untoggle the stupid Defensive Fighting button. These same Bards can’t manage to hit their Inspire Courage before the Spellsinger reminds them of the notes, but they can manage to Inspire some Recklessness at the exact most inopportune times. I can’t wait until I see one of these guys toss one out in the middle of Epic Lailat wailing on us.
Ahh… but I’ve been downing the poor Axe-Singers too much, haven’t I? Virtuosos, hold on to your mascara, because I’m not happy with you, either.
Typical scenario when partying with a Virtuoso. We’re at the party buff stage again, and I toss all the normal stuff. Spellsong Trance, then spell-based buffs, maybe Inspire Heroics for the monk. Wait until everything else seems to be covered. There’s been no Inspire Courage handed out. In fact, I’m not sure what the Virtuoso’s sung yet… are they worried about running out of songs or something? Whatever. I toss out Inspire Courage, Haste + Rage, and we go. I begin to toss out Spellsong Vigors on the fly. To the healer, to the arcane, to the Virtuoso, and normally to myself last. I’m now down 6 songs. We get to the first combat of the dungeon, which is probably two mobs that cause us a collective 10 HP of damage before they do… and there it goes. Sustaining Song.
Yes, Sustaining Song. The Song that is AoE, and slowly bestows a regenerative HP effect to all allied targets who have heard the song. Again, not a bad song, sounds great. Sounds great… when you’re playing solo bard in the party. When in a duet with a Spellsinger, however? Horrible idea.
Maybe this is also a PSA of sorts : Sustaining Song’s AoE effect removes the effects of Spellsong Vigor. From everybody. Poof, gone. So that’s currently 236 spell points that 4 party members, including the Virtuoso, lost out on because of their song effect. That’s a Greater Pot, or maybe a low-end Major/Bauble. Maybe it doesn’t seem like a lot, but it adds up over time. Not to mention that 236 x 4 = 944, which starts to sound like a much nastier number of SP to lose. It is also important to note that if there’s already a Cleric/FvS healer type in the party, they are likely to over-heal the majority of the party even with all of their metas turned over. So, the song is not just redundant, but it debuffs.
The worst are the repeat offenders, who are told what it does, and still continue to sing their Sustaining Songs. Despite having more songs, and having increased capability of song regeneration, I end up doing the Inspire Courages, and then losing 4-8 songs per rest due to Sustaining Song’s intervention. I also end up doing the SP-based buffs, which is fine… provided I can use my Spellsong Vigor to slowly charge myself up.
To Sum this up:
Warchanters of the world (Let’s hope this is just a local-to-Sarlona issue):
- Use your Inspire Courage. If someone beats you to it because you’ve tossed Haste, Rage, and are still standing there like a moron, then just let their song stand.
- If you use Inspire Courage, toss another one when yours is about to run out. Somewhere around the 15 seconds remaining mark is good. Don’t wait more than half a minute of combat time later to sing it; I will beat you to it, and refer you back to rule 1.
- If you sing Inspire Recklessness, a buff that is also a debuff at the same time, it is your responsibility to A. Inform the Party, B. Inform them how to remove it where necessary, and C. Sing it at any time but the worst time.
- If there’s someone else around to handle the SP-based buffs, let them do it. If they specifically ask you for it, cool. This rule goes double if you don’t have Extend Spell for some reason.
- Get 100% Fortification. Heck, if you really want to be better than your peers, find an armor with a Medium Guild Augment Slot. Slot it with the +15% Fortification buff. Enjoy having 105% fortification, even after you’ve sung your fancy song.
Virtuosos, if in party with a Spellsinger:
- Sing Inspire Courage. Yours is likely similar to theirs, but of longer duration. You have more songs, your songs regen without the necessity for an Elyd Edge off-hand thing going on.
- Don’t sing Sustaining Song. Instead, take the spell points you get back from Spellsong Vigor, toss a Mass Cure Mod. Even with just Potency, that should be worth about 5~6 ticks of what Sustaining song would have given people. Or, if there’s a healer-type around, let them do their job between the Blade Barriers and Cometfalls.
I like Bards. I want to start seeing more parties that accept more than 1 Bard, especially for higher-end raid stuff. But the first step to seeing this come to realization is Bards working together. So, let’s support each other’s strengths, and show how useful the combinations of the PrEs can really be.