Quote Originally Posted by ulticleo View Post

you are absolutely correct. TRing is cumbersome, and to the average player, annoying/boring/unappealing. I myself only have a TR and a half (one capped TR, a *different* TR still leveling). I take my time, play them when I feel like it, and not worry too much about capping ASAP. that's the only way I can make it palatable.

Sure, the bonuses are not that great (to some). Sure, the increase in power is marginal (it seems).
Sure, you can make it easier, more accessible.

But why should you? as you yourself pointed out, this is for elitists. powergamers. BotB. in other words, those who play so much, they don't have what to do anymore, except TRing. I have yet to hear complaints from the completionists about the amount of grinding. the ones who are complaining are those who don't want to do it. guess what? don't. you want to experience every character class and build in the game? go for it. you don't need to TR for that. you want to level to 20 all over again? go for it. you don't need to TR for that.

people who TR do it for various reasons. but whatever the reasons are, they know what's coming - 3.1mil xp for first TR, 4.3mil xp for second+. you get some benefits, you get your gear, you get to grind. that's the deal.

there is no "loss" of game experience for not TRing. there is no reason everyone should have a chance at completionist. let's face it. except for a select few, you're not seeing eSoS, epic marilith chains, and epic spell storing rings on every third toon you come across. why should everyone be 5xTR?
The reason powergamers are the main group that is doing TRs is because it's such a grind. I agree that the rewards really aren't worth another million xp for each of the first two TRs, and completionist is such a joke for the amount of effort that needs to be put in it. It's not even bragging rights like the title is, because who's going to go look at your MyDDO, regardless of whether or not it even updated in the past year. Now, I can still see there being some curve, but maybe they should rethink exactly how it is applied. Maybe just add x to level 2, 2x to 3, 3x to 4, and so on where x is some constant.

Of course, in a year or so after they've added a couple more content packs it won't be as much of a problem, since they said they're done with <12 for now.