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  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lifeblood View Post
    Are you really reading my comments and all of others comments? Or you are just thinking about your own opinion?

    Half-assed job? Also where did you get the idea that I did not heal the WF?

    I have a feeling you won't read or understand this, but here is my argument, how can you keep up keeping alive the WF that has no Healers Friend where all of your Light/Moderate/Serious/Crit Cure and Heal is on cooldown and cannot keep up with the heal because the WF is taking MORE damage than they can take Heal and scroll/wand whipping? Should I only focus on the WF's when also the fleshies are taking a hit? What I'm saying is, the arcane WF can heal himself and when all hell breaks loose, what? Wait for the half-assed cleric to heal you?

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by arjiwan View Post
    I have a feeling you won't read or understand this, but here is my argument, how can you keep up keeping alive the WF that has no Healers Friend where all of your Light/Moderate/Serious/Crit Cure and Heal is on cooldown and cannot keep up with the heal because the WF is taking MORE damage than they can take Heal and scroll/wand whipping?
    If a party that level is taking more damage than you can heal with Heal and one mass cure, either they're doing something wrong or you're not wearing devotion/potency. That's really all there is to it. If the warforged is the Healer's Friend, the healer should not feel obligated to be the warforged's friend.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Malison View Post
    If a party that level is taking more damage than you can heal with Heal and one mass cure, either they're doing something wrong or you're not wearing devotion/potency. That's really all there is to it. If the warforged is the Healer's Friend, the healer should not feel obligated to be the warforged's friend.

    Yes you are right, I should have also stated that I have 3 sup ardor clickies. I was supposed to add that in my first post but I told myself, that information doesn't matter.


    Edit: Yup, I need to imply that I use those clickies.

  4. #24
    Community Member PopeJual's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lifeblood View Post
    even so the wf barb is OPs responsibility unless other wise stated
    The OP should have put forth a reasonable effort to keep the WF Barb standing and effective in the fight, but I believe that he said that he did actually put some effort into that task. That said, the WF Barb is the WF Barb's responsibility. This is a team game, but everyone is responsible for their own actions and the OP does deserves neither the credit nor the blame for the party's success in the quest.

    As long as the healers are making a good faith effort to keep the party as a whole standing through the fights, then I have no problem with them. That does not mean that the healers need to keep every character alive through every fight. If one character is being a mana sponge, then sometimes it's more effective to just let them fall.

    The only complaint that I would have in that party is that the OP should have said something in party chat when he saw that there was a problem. On more than one occasion, I've told a party member, "Hey, I noticed that you have no Healer's Friend enhancements and you're sucking down my blue bar like a sailor sucks down tequila on shore leave, so I'm going to have to cut you off soon." I'm pleased/impressed that he continued to res and throw Heal scrolls at the Barbarian who couldn't be bothered to get any healing amp.

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by PopeJual View Post
    The OP should have put forth a reasonable effort to keep the WF Barb standing and effective in the fight, but I believe that he said that he did actually put some effort into that task. That said, the WF Barb is the WF Barb's responsibility. This is a team game, but everyone is responsible for their own actions and the OP does deserves neither the credit nor the blame for the party's success in the quest.

    As long as the healers are making a good faith effort to keep the party as a whole standing through the fights, then I have no problem with them. That does not mean that the healers need to keep every character alive through every fight. If one character is being a mana sponge, then sometimes it's more effective to just let them fall.

    The only complaint that I would have in that party is that the OP should have said something in party chat when he saw that there was a problem. On more than one occasion, I've told a party member, "Hey, I noticed that you have no Healer's Friend enhancements and you're sucking down my blue bar like a sailor sucks down tequila on shore leave, so I'm going to have to cut you off soon." I'm pleased/impressed that he continued to res and throw Heal scrolls at the Barbarian who couldn't be bothered to get any healing amp.
    Thanks for this. I agree, I don't want to get any credit really or deserve any. Maybe I should have emphasized the comment of the Arcane WF "too bad the Cleric wants to be a wizard instead of healing". The reason I made this post in the first place. Honestly, if a fleshie toon told me this, I would re-think my play-style and improve myself based on their expectations. But coming from an arcane WF that has little healing amplification?

    By the way, I really did not complain that they are mana/resources sponges. It is just that what ticked me is the comment of the WF...

  6. #26
    Community Member Swedishchef's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by arjiwan View Post
    Greetings DDO Community,

    I hope you can add your thoughts regarding this.

    I was running Eyes of Stone on hard. The party consists of me as a cleric (alt), tempest elf ranger, pew pew elf ranger, fleshy monk, WF wiz and a WF barb. Healing the 2 WF was kinda hard, I don't think they have healer's friend. I consumed 2 crit cure wands and some heal scrolls ( I am soliciting sympathy I know ). I rarely heal the 2 WFs for the fact that I assumed they can handle it with the reconstruct from the WF wiz.

    Now came hestess, with me on full mana, I full combat heal the fleshies with wands, scrolls and RS burst (sometimes SP heal). I am also spamming cometfalls and placing BB's.

    Sometimes the two WFs incaps or dies, then I rez them, pop one heal scroll but not healing them to full.

    After the "successful" quest, the wiz WF typed in the party chat, "Too bad the cleric wants to play as a wizard rather than healing". I did not answered back. I thought, uhm I am not your nanny, and at the same time, my BB and cometfall with maximise and superior efficacy clickie somewhat helped in dealing damage.

    Now I am thinking, am I wrong for not healing the WFs and assuming (and learned from the forums and my own realization) that they should heal themselves because they have the means. I am not asking them to be 100% self-sufficient but at least kinda take care of themselves from time to time.

    Wow, sorry for the wall of text. What do you think guys?


    I am having trouble uploading in photobucket, so...
    I leave you this...
    If there is a wf caster in the grp and a wf tank they should be abel to cooperate and atleast drink some pots and wiz could reconstruct/wand wip him self and the other one.

    Now i favor wf i have alot of em capped and i love to play them, however there is one wf i no longer accept in to my grp on Thelanis (not even shroud) i drop a full maxxed heal on his arse and it heald him for 100 and my emped mass about 30, what i am saying is there is thoose who play wf:s and there are idiots on wf:S with none healing amp (wich i strive after my self to get as high as possible without dropping my dps) you just need to know who to avoid and who you know what they are doing.

    Edit: WF casters shouldn´t have any healing amp wf melees should, wf castsers should be abel to take care of them selfs and i they fail at that they should just stay dead.
    Last edited by Swedishchef; 01-05-2011 at 10:26 PM.
    You don´t get more out of life then you put in to it.

  7. #27
    Community Member Lifeblood's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by arjiwan View Post
    Are you really reading my comments and all of others comments? Or you are just thinking about your own opinion?

    Half-assed job? Also where did you get the idea that I did not heal the WF?

    I have a feeling you won't read or understand this, but here is my argument, how can you keep up keeping alive the WF that has no Healers Friend where all of your Light/Moderate/Serious/Crit Cure and Heal is on cooldown and cannot keep up with the heal because the WF is taking MORE damage than they can take Heal and scroll/wand whipping? Should I only focus on the WF's when also the fleshies are taking a hit? What I'm saying is, the arcane WF can heal himself and when all hell breaks loose, what? Wait for the half-assed cleric to heal you?
    from your own words

    Quote Originally Posted by arjiwan View Post
    Sometimes the two WFs incaps or dies, then I rez them, pop one heal scroll but not healing them to full.

    Now I am thinking, am I wrong for not healing the WFs and assuming (and learned from the forums and my own realization) that they should heal themselves because they have the means. I am not asking them to be 100% self-sufficient but at least kinda take care of themselves from time to time.
    you made it obvious that the arcane was not healing the other you ask them to do so if they wont or cannot it falls to you

    tossing a res and then only partially healing them is considered a half-ass job

    as for the wf wiz i would probably have let them die they should be taking care of themselves
    even so is the group better off having them dead?

    if all your spells are on timer and your heal scroll also...there are more issues with the group than the wf not having healing amp
    Last edited by Lifeblood; 01-05-2011 at 10:42 PM.

    "Come on folks its easy" Tico 20 Cleric, Montico Arti, Longlife 18/2 Ranger/monk, Jaaomae wc 20, Teeco Cleric

  8. #28
    Community Member PopeJual's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lifeblood View Post
    you made it obvious that the arcane was not healing the other you ask them to do so if they wont or cannot it falls to you

    No, it doesn't. If I'm running Waterworks and one person keeps sprinting ahead, grabbing Kobold aggro and sprinting back to the party because they can't handle the aggro, it does not fall to anyone else to continually clean up the mess that came from their poor decision making.

    If I'm running Monestary of the Scorpion and one person keeps running into the traps, it does not fall to me to keep them healed because they do not have either a) common sense or b) evasion + sufficiently high reflex save.

    If a WF of any class takes 0 ranks of Healer's Friend and takes no Healing Amp gear and doesn't bother to chug pots between fights, it does not fall to me to keep them topped off and alive through fights when they are taking more damage than they can handle.

    You should make an honest effort to keep people alive - but that's true no matter what your class is. If I'm a fellow melee, I'll try to peel a couple of enemies off of the barbarian if he has too much aggro. If I notice that one character keeps dying and I'm on my own melee, I'll try to be the first one in the room so that I at least get all the "Hey! There's a PC here!" aggro that doesn't come from damage dealt. When that isn't enough and when that player doesn't seem to be making a significant effort at keeping themselves alive, then they get a free ride in my backpack.

    I've been guilty of the same myself. I've gone into Epics underequipped. I've gone into quests with insufficient healing for myself when I'm on my Ranger or my Fighter. I've gone into VoD with 0 pots because I forgot that I had chugged the last of them all doing some other quest the day before. When that happens, I apologize to the group and let them know that I did something wrong and that I know it's my fault. I've *never* had a group fail to take care of me when I mention that I had forgotten something or made a mistake in what I can handle in combat. Even if if that support is just getting a free ride in someone's backpack until we get to a part of the quest where I can handle what the quest is throwing at us.

    The difference is whether the player is at least attempting to taking responsibility for their own survival and success. Carry some poison pots. Carry some curse pots. Carry a disease immunity item if you are planning on running some desert quests. Carry a few Fire, Cold, Acid and Electricity resist 20 pots from the 12 in case you get stranded in a quest with a Sorcerer who took Melfs, Summon Monster II, See Invisibility and Daze Monster as his level 2 spells...

    Yes, you should complain about the healer in the Shroud who let half the party die in round 4. No, you should not complain about the healer in the Shroud who let you die a second time in round 4 because you sprinted back into the fight at half health and with no buffs after you took your raise.

    Each player needs to take responsibility for themselves even when they can't keep their own red bar full from the beginning of the quest through the completion.

  9. #29
    Community Member Lifeblood's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PopeJual View Post
    No, it doesn't. If I'm running Waterworks and one person keeps sprinting ahead, grabbing Kobold aggro and sprinting back to the party because they can't handle the aggro, it does not fall to anyone else to continually clean up the mess that came from their poor decision making.

    If I'm running Monestary of the Scorpion and one person keeps running into the traps, it does not fall to me to keep them healed because they do not have either a) common sense or b) evasion + sufficiently high reflex save.

    If a WF of any class takes 0 ranks of Healer's Friend and takes no Healing Amp gear and doesn't bother to chug pots between fights, it does not fall to me to keep them topped off and alive through fights when they are taking more damage than they can handle.

    You should make an honest effort to keep people alive - but that's true no matter what your class is. If I'm a fellow melee, I'll try to peel a couple of enemies off of the barbarian if he has too much aggro. If I notice that one character keeps dying and I'm on my own melee, I'll try to be the first one in the room so that I at least get all the "Hey! There's a PC here!" aggro that doesn't come from damage dealt. When that isn't enough and when that player doesn't seem to be making a significant effort at keeping themselves alive, then they get a free ride in my backpack.

    I've been guilty of the same myself. I've gone into Epics underequipped. I've gone into quests with insufficient healing for myself when I'm on my Ranger or my Fighter. I've gone into VoD with 0 pots because I forgot that I had chugged the last of them all doing some other quest the day before. When that happens, I apologize to the group and let them know that I did something wrong and that I know it's my fault. I've *never* had a group fail to take care of me when I mention that I had forgotten something or made a mistake in what I can handle in combat. Even if if that support is just getting a free ride in someone's backpack until we get to a part of the quest where I can handle what the quest is throwing at us.

    The difference is whether the player is at least attempting to taking responsibility for their own survival and success. Carry some poison pots. Carry some curse pots. Carry a disease immunity item if you are planning on running some desert quests. Carry a few Fire, Cold, Acid and Electricity resist 20 pots from the 12 in case you get stranded in a quest with a Sorcerer who took Melfs, Summon Monster II, See Invisibility and Daze Monster as his level 2 spells...

    Yes, you should complain about the healer in the Shroud who let half the party die in round 4. No, you should not complain about the healer in the Shroud who let you die a second time in round 4 because you sprinted back into the fight at half health and with no buffs after you took your raise.

    Each player needs to take responsibility for themselves even when they can't keep their own red bar full from the beginning of the quest through the completion.
    I agree with almost everything you said....BUT the OP did not say that was the issue he stated the wf wiz would not heal the other wf or himself and did not have healers friend

    let the wiz die and heal the barb...unless the barb is doing any or several of the things you mentioned...again that is not the ops complaint

    "Come on folks its easy" Tico 20 Cleric, Montico Arti, Longlife 18/2 Ranger/monk, Jaaomae wc 20, Teeco Cleric

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