I have been playing mostly solo since the f2p launch, mostly because I don't have a lot of free time, don't have long blocks of playtime, and my few attempts at pugging were painful. I have leveled a fighter to 10 and have a cleric6/fighter1, and have had a great time. I suspect there are others out there like me - would like to run in groups and learn tactics and strategies, but don't have buddies or a guild to run with.
Are there other casual solo players on Argo that would like to get together and learn the cooperative aspect of the game? I'm up for running mid-level content on my existing characters (I have plenty of adv packs and TP for more), or starting fresh on the island with a different class. A little about me:
I'm a "mature " player (played 1st edition AD&D)
A year of DDO is the extent of my MMO experience, so online gaming is still a bizarre concept
I play 1 or 2 evenings a week (west coast), most Fridays.
Sleeping family means little or no voice chat (I can listen, but keep my mic off)
I absolutely love this game - exploring new content and first runs of new quests are the most fun
I have dabbled in other games, which gave me even more appreciation for how great DDO is. Please let me know if you are interested in some informal group questing.