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  1. #1
    Community Member Kaeldur's Avatar
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    Sep 2009

    Default Ranked Wishlist / Feedback

    It would be very interesting if DDO devs made some system (it's relatively simple to make) which allows us to submit ideas and other people to "sign" (vote).

    This is an example of what I'm talking about:

    In this specific case each account has 10 vote points. You can give up to 3 votes per topic/idea. I don't know how long it takes to give your vote points back though...

    They could make it accessible only to VIP/Premium accounts to avoid spamming (creating multiple accounts to vote for something) (sorry f2p-ers).

    That way they could get efficient and realistic feedback from the community as to what we want. And it doesn't mean they HAVE to do what's on top of the list, it just helps get better input from those of us who are every day dealing with stuff in game

  2. #2
    Community Member KreepyKritter's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    The only problem with this is the fact that, with the exception of Llama-land, there's been very little direct requests for player feedback on the forums. The most recent request I saw was regarding new races.

    Otherwise, implementing the code wouldn't be a terrible use of resources, and would basically compile the information needed from said request all nice and neat in a spreadsheet on the back end, or could just be c&p'd. From a business stand point, I can see the benefit, but only if you really want to know what your customer base is thinking. No direct offense to Turbine, but most corporations don't much care what their customers are thinking, unless it benefits them directly and immediately, without three or four steps in between.

    Yes, giving players what they want will increase revenue, or sustain existing subscriptions (some of them), but what about implementation, coding, testing, resources used, all before any kind of gain can even begin, much less be measured.

    It seems more like the feedback of the players is sought out as the court of last resort when the devs themselves can't come to an agreement.

    For example:

    That being the case, it seems like it might be more trouble than it's worth given that the devs only actively post requests for opinions on specific issues once a year.

    Definitive Guide to Bravery Bonuses You've got questions? We've got answers... and bacon.

  3. #3
    Cosmetic Guru Aelonwy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    That's very sad and disappointing.

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