I just wanted to air my thoughts on single arcane slot shroud groups, that seem to have become increasingly popular over the festive period.
As a lvl 20 Sorcerer, with limited opportunity for dedicated play I frequently find it difficult to find a PUG shroud group. When the trend was to limit the group to 2 casters it was hard enough (spots usually filled within the first 4 joiners). The trend to go for a single arcane makes it nigh on impossible.
On my last run I joined a shroud group initiated by a lvl 15 character and due to the nature of people wanting an easy ride it took a while to fill. In fact it had to disband and reform after a couple dropped shortly after entering, and took about 45 mins to get going. The group ended up with 3 or 4 arcanes (one of which was a shroud newbie) and a couple of healers. The DPS was far from fantastic either. The average level was 17 with 1 level 20 and 1 level 15.
Given the hard-line stance I have seen by many with regard to group composition my assumptions were that we would fail at Part 4, given the low levels and lack of 9 DPS focused toons.
I won’t say the run was flawless, the main Tank when down a couple of times and the level 15 was taken out in Pt 4, but overall the run was smooth and didn’t suffer any delays.
My point being please consider 2 (or possible 3 arcanes) in your groups. If the my perceived trend of moving to 1 arcane becomes the norm, then the logical conclusion is that arcanes will be forced to lead shroud groups in order to ensure they get a spot.
I enjoy being a party member not a party leader, I’m in charge all day, I want a break from it when I play a game. However it looks like I may be forced to lead a party just to get a slot. The question I think that sums up how I feel is:
Are you more likely to have a shroud run fail due to taking 2-3 arcanes or due to having a reluctant/inexperienced/poor leader?