Originally Posted by
You do not need stalwart pact in part one, part two, part three, part four, or part five of shroud.
If your hit poits are decent and the healers are decen, then it is unnessecary.
If your hit points are low, work on getting more hit points other then trying to get a GS item, it will be alot easier.
Also the portals do not hit back, so why spend so much time giving buffs that do not add damage to help beating down portals.
Rangers should not be holding up the party to barkskin every player and pet they see.
That buff is useless for the majority of the players in the raid.
Very few will have the AC for that +5 of ugly uberness you grant to be of any significance.
Instead try passing out Freedom Of Movement (FoM) or any resists.
Casters/Divines the SP pools in part 3 are nice. But if you use it to restore more then 100 sp, then you are wasting alot of everyones time. Just shrine.
Buff then shrine, and then buff yourself. The less then 100 sp you spend on yourself and not refill will not cause a party to fail. If you get down to the wire, it is the lack of the party, and possibly yourself as a healer.
Part 3 is not the time to pike. Stop watching others do their puzzle,and run water. If your not an unlocker, then run water. If your done with your puzzle, run water. If your not the designated healer at the fountain, then run water. If your not the designated piker, then run water. if your puzzle is done and watered, then run water. If your neighbor's, sister's, brother's, uncle's,or 6th relation relative's fountain is watered, then run water. If there are still fountains to be filled, then run water.
Also, do not make claims unless you can actually do them. Do not say "This is going to be a one round party.", when you do not know half of the party. I have only joined a few pugs were such claims are made at the gate, and see a second round of Arrytrikeos in part 4.