I was wondering what effects Ranged speed and which bonuses stack.

--Rapid shot-?% unknown(by me) bonus
The feat description is very vague on what type of speed bonus this feat gives but I assume it stacks with most other bonuses. Not sure of the increase in attack speed.

--Haste-15% Enhancement bonus.
I assume haste effects ranged attacks just like it effects melee attacks.

--Quiver of Alacrity-10% Enhancement bonus(?)
Not sure what this stacks with but if it's anything like the Tor Collar, it probably won't stack with haste.

--Ranger capstone-25% Competence bonus.
I assume this bonus stacks with everything else because if it doesn't then there is something seriously wrong.

--Wind stace I/II/III/IV- 7.5%/10%/12.5%/15% Enhancement bonus.
I'm very interested to know if wind stance increases attack speed with a bow when using zen archery. What about the double-strike chance?

--Rogue/Fighter haste boost-I/II/III/IV- 15%/20%/25%/30% untyped bonus
I have never tried this but a few friends say they have tried it to great effect when combined with slayer arrow and multishot(20 seconds of hell).

Any input will be hugely appreciated and keep in mind I have very little experience with the Ranged combat side of DDO so my numbers might be wrong in some places. Thanks in advance.