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  1. #1
    Community Member Aflac's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Default Reviving The Dwarvish Bulwark

    Along time ago, in land far, far away, when the level cap was 10, I was playing The Dwarvish Bulwark; however, the meat of the build is now a dead link b/c the build became broken in an update that no longer allowed for Evasion to work in Full Plate.
    DDO @ Ten Ton Hammer "Killer" Build Week

    Darkgolem kicks off "Killer" Build week at DDO @ Ten Ton Hammer with his Dwarvish Bulwark. Part backstabbing rogue, part resistant paladin, part versatile fighter--the Bulwark survives the frenzied initial blast of combat to get to foes and strike them dead:
    Feats (in the order selected):
    Weapon Focus: Slashing
    Power Attack
    Greater Weapon Focus: Slashing
    Weapon Specialization: Slashing
    What I can remember about the build:
    1. This was an Intimidation Tank with LOTS of HP's(No toughness, doh!).
    2. High AC w/ Evasion
    3. Decent Damage w/ Dwarven Axes, and Backstabbing Bonus. (I know using Intimidate and Backstabbing in the same build is an oxymoron.)
    4. 4 LvLs of Pali for Fear Immunity, bump to AC, & Lay on Hands at early LvLs.
    5. 4 Lvls of Fighter for extra Feats and Ftr Str.
    6. 2 Lvls of Rouge for Skills, Evasion, & Backstabbing.

    After, some time away from DDO I returned; and, tried to revive this guy in this thread. My Enhancements were reset and lost forever. It just wasn't working.

    Recently, I finally unlocked 1750 favor on my Main Cleric. I would really, really like to try and revive my Dwarvish Bulwark w/ a Greater Reincarnation(1 or 2) for a 32pt build.

    Below is his current build, any and all suggestions are welcome, even if you think I should just scrap the idea and move on. I don't know enough about current game trends to do this build justice.
    I was thinking about:
    1. Replacing the rouge levels w/ Monk for AC(But I won't be centered w/ a Shield and Axe), and Evasion; but I know nothing about monk.
    2. Increasing Dex for Light Armor bonus to enable Evasion.

    Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 3.7.2
    DDO Character Planner Home Page
    Level 9 Lawful Good Dwarf Male
    (3 Fighter \ 4 Paladin \ 2 Rogue)
    Removed this... doesn't matter I'm GR'ing this toon. Please see the Updated Build below.
    Last edited by Aflac; 01-07-2011 at 05:21 PM. Reason: Grammer
    "Poor is the pupil who does not surpass his master." - Art quote by Leonardo da Vinci

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