Over the past few days I've been eyeing up the idea of creating a good rogue hybrid acrobat build. The idea behind building this acrobat is to have a character who wields QS's while still having max trap skills that are considered useable in end-game content. After scouring these forums though I'm having a difficult time pinning down what the best approach/build would be both race wise and multiclass wise. It appears that the majority of the acrobat community go either half-orc or halfling and that many are multiclassing with monk/fighter or just monk for the added ac, but I have a few questions:

1) in general which race is preferred? How do other races aside from halflings and horcs stack up in these builds? On a side note, I do prefer halflings over horc's, but also believe that a serious difference in damage is worthy of noting on such a dps starved build - thus is going horc going to give a huge advantage over going halfling? Will one or the other make up for lack of DPS with their abilities elsewhere (such as trap skills?)

2) What level breakdown would provide the best DPS, max rogue skills, and overall benefits to parties? Im not a min/max'er and love my pure halfling light monk which is why i want to splash a bit of monk into the mix (for the fun of button mashing in combat). I'm also partial to this due to liking the idea of wearing robes while wielding a QS, however if there is a better breakdown im all ears.

3) with many of the monk splashes I see a splash of fighter. What advantages and disadvantages does splashing fighter provide vs. not splashing it in?

4) Lastly - As I am planning to do some sort of rogue/monk splash, I am extremely curious on what benefits each of the following breakdowns offers?

13 rogue/7 monk
17 rogue/3 monk
13 rogue/6 monk/1 fighter
13 rogue/1 monk/6 fighter
any other breakdown's out there (i know ive seen a few folks splashing ranger etc)

I know im asking a lot from you guys, but any advice/info you can provide would be great. Im even open to build suggestions/layouts if you guys are willing to provide. In the event someone wishes to provide a build, I do have 32pt available and all races.

Thanks in advance for all the help guys!!