Last edited by Consumer; 01-03-2011 at 03:58 PM.
This happens all the time, especially at lower levels... but occasionally you'll pop into a higher level group that is just a terrible waste.
Also the swim is quite doable if you've got the mario skills... the agility horn would be a bit deadly though.
Cheer up and smash the next noobs face you group with...
Also whats with the avril? Really?
The bird of Hermes is my name, Eating my wings to keep me tame.
Toons: Diclonius, Sempresno, Slitmuno, Slitmdos, Slitmtres, Skyfe, Calcatrix, Marcosias, Sumona, Tarokian, Etc.
Ham sandwiches + bad canadian singers + lazy pug = whining + piggy photos
Point 1 You are not axer. Yes I understand that since you have got a copy of A-Os dps calculator you have been up on your high horse. But having a copy of a program someone else wrote doesnt make you the be all end all. Point 2 any class can handle the swim and the agility room. Its just going to take pots and more time. Was it a **** cold night for a **** bad pug? Were trying to figure out this life? or that pug? Id have had some respect if you had said "I blasted some Mercenary or Testament, Death, Pyramaze, Iced Earth, Carcass , Dio" or someone worthy of being blasted. But Avril Lavine????? Where is your manhood and self respect?
Then apparently you can't read as he stated point 1 and point 2. The statement about the canadian singer was an added diss. I added rep after quoting his whole post do you know what exactly I put the rep for?
Maybe it's because I agree with point 1, or point 2 or both? Maybe I agree with his choice in music. Maybe I don't agree with his choice in music but I agree that his type of music is worth blasting over emo girl pop music? Maybe, I simply find his post amusing? You have no idea what the rep was for.
Classic example of selective grouping failure. Grabbing random PUGers and expecting them to be at your play level rarely works. It doesnt matter what you put in the LFM, or what you feel the LFM should have indicated to them. I have seen these same types of rants for years now, and yet we continue to beat this dead horse.
And yes, the swim can be done on non evasion if you remembered to bring a stack of potions. It will take longer as you will have to stop to heal up and them move on again. Same thing an evasion toon does after they roll a 1 on their save - drink pots.
Its not the swim I'd be worried about sans evasion, its the agility test room, which is times and trapped as all get up.
Crucible was soloed by a level 9, years ago. Theres no reason some noobs should be holding you back, heh. They might be costing you time, or heaven forbid, they might be causing you to have to communicate to them what to do and when.![]()
Someone plays a melee, learns how to play it well and how to optimize it and suddenly they become an Axer wannabe.
Again with the it's not my DPS calc argument. I've not only posted hand done calculations with complete breakdowns in the past, I've also spent plenty of time testing things for myself. The fact that it is not my DPS calc makes no difference to the results it gives.
I assume you have seen my Fighter build, it does not have large amounts of AC, nor a good reflex save. The Crucible does not sport many spots to get the extra HP from madstone leaving ~400 HP to take full damage from every trap on the way to the horn.
I've done the swim on a Barb before, it was a waste of time and resources.
Is liking a wide range of music that uncommon?
I don't solely listen to Avril Lavigne, while you try and act cool by naming metal and death metal bands I can counter that just as easily. On normal day I will listen to music from many different genres. For example today I listened to Sinatra, Soilwork, August Burns Red, E.S. Posthumus, Tchaikovsky and Rise Against.
Why do the crucible on elite?
I can hardly think of a lesser enjoyable way to spend my time playing DDO.
It is long and boring on normal - bleah. I'd rather run the Pit.
As for people not showing up... people are lame. I was in GH and ran past one of the group memebers at the AH on my way out to the quest. I typed in party chat, "we are all here waiting for you." They waited 5 more minutes before popping out to make the journey to the quest...RUDE!
Never, ever click on a PUG looking for Experienced Players. I am more likely to click an LFM that states they are new and would like a guide. I have solo/pugged most of my toons, else I start up a PUG and lead the pikers along. I will occasionally find players that listen to what I say or know the quests. I will typically add them to my friends list and monitor their progress.
A halfling walks into a bar with a mephit on his shoulder. The bartender says "Hey, that's pretty cool. Where'd you get it?" The mephit says "Korthos Island. They're everywhere."
Proceeding from the assumption that this was /sarcasm. . .
Barbarians and Fighters both have Swim as a Class Skill, do they not? If I'm in there on my Fighter or on my Barbarian, I'm prepared to make the swim, myself. To be sure, it's much better on a character with a really nice Evasion roll, but it's not that difficult.
The victorious strategist only seeks battle after the victory has been won, whereas he who is destined to defeat first fights and afterwards looks for victory. - Sun Tzu