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  1. #1
    Community Member JDCrowell's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Default H-Orc Tempest Kensai

    Ok everyone, this is my first attempt at a thick multi-class build.

    He doesn't have a name yet and I'm not even sure how viable he is at end-game. I'm pretty sure by experience this guy will be easy to level but end-game stats will be fairly gear intensive.
    The stats are for a TR as I'm looking to use this build as my first TR.

    Please let me know what you think and where I might improve this build.

    Race: Half-Orc
    Alignment: Neutral Good (optional)
    12 Ranger/ 6 Fighter/ 2 Barbarian

    Leveling Plan: Start as a Fighter at level 1. 2-13 Ranger. 14-18 Fighter. 19-20 Barbarian.

    Starting Stats:
    STR: 20
    DEX: 15
    CON: 16
    INT: 6
    WIS: 8
    CHA: 6

    Final Stats:
    STR: 44 (5 Levels, +6 Item, +4 Orc/Fighter Strength, +3 Tome, +2 Rams, +2 Rage, +1 Exceptional STR, +1 Ship Buff)
    DEX: 20 (+6 Item, +3 Tome)
    CON: 30 (+6 Item, +1 Barbarian Constitution, +1 Exceptional CON, +3 Tome, +2 Rage, +1 Ship Buff)
    INT: 6
    WIS: 8
    CHA: 6

    HP Depends on actual final gear set up but possible calculation:
    180 Base
    20 Heroic Durability
    200 Con
    62 Toughness
    10 Draconic
    30 GFL
    20 Minos
    45 Shroud Item
    567 Standing HP

    Fighter Attack Boost II
    Fighter Haste Boost II
    Ranger Sprint Boost III
    Barbarian Power Attack I
    Kensei Khopesh Mastery I
    Fighter Armored Agility II
    Fighter Critical Accuracy II
    Fighter Kensei I
    Fighter Flanking Mastery I
    Orcish Fury II
    Orcish Power Attack III
    Orcish Power Rage I
    Orcish Strength II
    Racial Toughness II
    Ranger Favored Attack II
    Ranger Favored Damage III
    Ranger Tempest II
    Barbarian Constitution I
    Ranger Dexterity II
    Fighter Strength II
    Fighter Toughness II

    Feats :
    Level 1: Fighter

    Level 2: Ranger
    FE: Undead

    Level 3: Ranger

    Level 6: Ranger
    Spring Attack
    FE: Elemental

    Level 9: Ranger

    Level 11: Ranger
    FE: Evil Outsider

    Level 12: Ranger
    IC: Slashing

    Level 14: Fighter
    Power Attack

    Level 15: Fighter

    Level 16: Fighter
    WF: Slashing

    Level 18: Fighter
    Weapon Spec. Slashing
    Stunning Blow

    The idea here is a Tempest Kensai that attempts to maximize to hit on a Tempest build. With Tempest II getting 100% offhand attacks along with Fighter Haste Boost and a high to hit, DPS output should be very high from creation to end-game.

    This is by no means a tank of any kind. It probably could tank if you respec his enhancements for Orcish Brute Fighting or just DPS alone but it should do it's best work while flanking. High STR and Stunning Blow should be viable in Epics. In that regard, allocation of skill points is completely up to you. Possibly max Intim for those rare situations where an Intim tank is not available.*

    Khopeshes are used because of obvious min/max reasons and I have a bunch of them. Even though it is Khopesh focused, dual wielding either MinII's or LitII's should give it a huge versatility between mobs.

    Gear set up should be fairly straightforward and standard. Not sure I can get it all before I TR, but for most of you that have been playing a while this shouldn't be much of a problem.

    I would like some feedback on this since I feel I am probably missing something somewhere. Like I said, this is my first intensive build post and would like to know what you all think.
    Member of Upper Caves of Anthia on Ghallanda.
    Calamas: Racial Completionist in progress, Millitis: Bladforged Pally
    Blitzzen: Air Savant Sorc
    Ariethil: Falcon Striker Monk

  2. #2
    Community Member markusthelion's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2008


    This looks similar to my ranger build, only I went dorf because I like the flavor more (he also TR'd before HO came out). I love the 12rgr/6ftr/2barb split. His HP is 559 unbuffed, a sustainable 38-40 str score. While raged and buffed with everything except a +4 str/con tome and yugo pots he sits at 719HP and a 50 str score for about 1:40 secs. Pretty nice for a boss fight, also I was able to pick up umd for heals after battles, but I still need to finish my tierIII +6 char skills guard item and I need the 7 fingered gloves yet.

    All in all I'm happy with my build, the 10% run speed boost barb gave me is fun too

    Hope ya have fun with this.

  3. #3
    Community Member Joab_Watts's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    Keep in mind that going Fighter 8 rather than Fighter 6/Barb2 can give you the following:
    1 more Feat
    Fighter Haste Boost III
    Fighter Toughness III
    Fighter Weapon Specialization (+1 Damage)
    Greater Weapon Focus (+1 to hit)

    Twokegs [Dwarf Ranger-Fighter] / Milithor [Elf Cleric-Monk] / Ziryll [Human Exploiter]

  4. #4
    Community Member JDCrowell's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Joab_Watts View Post
    Keep in mind that going Fighter 8 rather than Fighter 6/Barb2 can give you the following:
    1 more Feat
    Fighter Haste Boost III
    Fighter Toughness III
    Fighter Weapon Specialization (+1 Damage)
    Greater Weapon Focus (+1 to hit)
    Yea, I debated going 8 Fighter levels for those exact reasons.2 Barbarian levels just give it a little flavor, extra run speed, and additional power attack.
    Member of Upper Caves of Anthia on Ghallanda.
    Calamas: Racial Completionist in progress, Millitis: Bladforged Pally
    Blitzzen: Air Savant Sorc
    Ariethil: Falcon Striker Monk

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