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  1. #141
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roman View Post
    Greensteel Khopesh!

    *waits with anticipation*

    Or if you want to get really kinky, I could say... "Dual Shard"! You know, whatever gets you groovin...
    You should be careful. You know 80% of all girls on the internet are actually guys in disguise. it's a trap.
    A master of appearances.
    He glides like the wind through the trees. Always ready. Always vigilant.
    His mission: to become a cameo in each of your lives, for he is always there. In your living room. In your home. At work and school. He is... Captain Cameo

  2. #142
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    My wife is more addicted to this game than I am.

  3. #143
    Community Member Hendrik's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bladecutter563 View Post
    Does she have a sister?
    If she looks anything like Lain, hope so!

    Piercings and all...
    Last edited by Hendrik; 01-20-2011 at 08:22 AM.

    Quote Originally Posted by hsinclair
    I heard the devs hate all wizards, bards, clerics, fighters, and fuzzy bunnies and only want us to play halfling barbarian/paladin shuriken specialists!

    It's totally true, I have a reliable source. You better reroll now.
    Adventurer, Bug Reporter, Mournlander.

  4. #144
    Community Member Alerax's Avatar
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    been online gamming for over 10 years, yet to find a diecient girl, lil loan a gamer, O.o

    Some of us can only dream lol
    "Please! This is supposed to be a happy occasion. Let's not bicker and argue over who killed who."

    Argonnessen Active Toonage ~ Domatheer 28 ~4Tr~ Rogue | Riazia 27 ~2Tr~ Rogue - 1 Bard

  5. #145
    Community Member faithys's Avatar
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    I am the one who introduced my guy to DDO.
    Gamer Chicks are out there guys, lol keep looking!

  6. #146
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    Sounds good to me now my current wife isnt into gaming or anything like that and my last wife was a great gamer and good gm for pnp but also a complete ________ I think I am better off now but if you have a gamer girlfriend/wife than your very lucky
    Last edited by Uska; 02-25-2011 at 10:51 PM.

    Beware the Sleepeater

  7. #147
    Community Member Lornman's Avatar
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    It was my gamer girlfriend who got me into DDO.

  8. #148
    Community Member Asialee's Avatar
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    Wink gamer girl ~

    Yes indeed there are gamer girls out there, I happen to be one of em !@! I've been playing MMO's for over 10 years now, and I wouldn't change a thing about it !! You know your hooked on a game when you wake up in the middle of the night wondering if your been out bidded on the AH or how many more times do ya need to farm ev6 for that sos shard things that make ya go hmmmmm !!
    Haylie ~~ Brandie ~~ Nickey ~~ Aleeah ~~ Asia ~~ Nixxee ~~ Asiaskylar~~ Asialee

    I hardly drink anymore.. but today you're in luck
    I carry a firearm because a cop is too heavy !

  9. #149
    Community Member Fattiest's Avatar
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    Sooooooo,,,,, Where does a single, financially stable, in shape"not round", almost 30, single father find these “Gamer Girls”

    The bar thing is getting old...........
    Archangels - RIP Xoriat
    Fattiest - Lardarss - XiiGage - WarDrumm - Mongler - Constabull - Chalus - Lootbank

  10. #150
    Community Member Asialee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fattiest View Post
    Sooooooo,,,,, Where does a single, financially stable, in shape"not round", almost 30, single father find these “Gamer Girls”

    The bar thing is getting old...........
    lol in ddo land of course
    Haylie ~~ Brandie ~~ Nickey ~~ Aleeah ~~ Asia ~~ Nixxee ~~ Asiaskylar~~ Asialee

    I hardly drink anymore.. but today you're in luck
    I carry a firearm because a cop is too heavy !

  11. #151
    Community Member krackythehoodedone's Avatar
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    Default Sounds Great


    If ever you had a bit of a fight and she had your Password (shudder)

  12. #152
    Community Member Fattiest's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by krackythehoodedone View Post

    If ever you had a bit of a fight and she had your Password (shudder)
    Better than your bank account...........well i guess that depends.
    Archangels - RIP Xoriat
    Fattiest - Lardarss - XiiGage - WarDrumm - Mongler - Constabull - Chalus - Lootbank

  13. #153
    Community Member Asialee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by krackythehoodedone View Post

    If ever you had a bit of a fight and she had your Password (shudder)
    lmao.. everytime my ex and i would get into a fight, thats the first thing he would do.. change his password
    Haylie ~~ Brandie ~~ Nickey ~~ Aleeah ~~ Asia ~~ Nixxee ~~ Asiaskylar~~ Asialee

    I hardly drink anymore.. but today you're in luck
    I carry a firearm because a cop is too heavy !

  14. #154


    If you like DDO as much as she does, then I don't see why you're complaining.

    You boys today have it too easy, roleplayer and gamer girls are a much more common sight these days. When I was a teenager I had refused to date guys if they weren't gamers (I'm talking dice & paper, D&D gamers here... before MMOrpgs) and oddly I had to fend myself from constant gamer/geek suitors due to it. O.o (I use 'geek' as a power word here, I'm a very proud geek girl. )

    And you know what, I married a gamer, and we're delightfully happy. We play MMORPGs side by side on our computers, or take the day off to roll dice and play some type of rpg. (In fact, I get ****y if we don't rp at least once every couple of weeks.) And you know what, we've been together for nearly 20 years now (including the years we dated before marriage) and are still very, very happy. In fact, I found that roleplaying helped our marriage out a lot. (We used to even own a games/comic/cards store together where many of the guys coming into the store couldn't believe that I was so into this stuff. lol )

    If your girlfriend is really into the roleplaying part of DDO, try getting her into D&D, she may like it. And, if she does seem to excite her physically, like you said, and she really gets into her D&D characters... trust me, that leads to a good, healthy relationship. (Roleplaying characters in a romantic way can re-kindle the relationship between the two of you, because it's like that 'new love' feeling over and over again. ^_^ )

    So if you like this girl, and you like D&D don't whine! Holy! Years ago I had guys telling me that they wanted to take up religion in thanks because a girl like me was actually INTO RPGs (and comics, and video games, and CCG, and sci-fi, and fantasy). Having something in common, and to such a degree is a blessing.

    Honestly, I have a feeling that you're using complaining to subtlety brag that you most likely found a great catch.

    Just a little extra note: Gamer Girls get snatched up very quickly, it's a very, very rare thing to find a single one.
    Last edited by Luadrilae; 02-27-2011 at 09:16 AM.
    (Formally known as Luadrilae)

    Phaeshalee likes you. Yes... you.
    My deviantART gallery

  15. #155
    Founder & Hero
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    Quote Originally Posted by Luadrilae View Post
    If you like DDO as much as she does, then I don't see why you're complaining.

    You boys today have it too easy, roleplayer and gamer girls are a much more common sight these days. When I was a teenager I had refused to date guys if they weren't gamers (I'm talking dice & paper, D&D gamers here... before MMOrpgs) and oddly I had to fend myself from constant gamer/geek suitors due to it. O.o (I use 'geek' as a power word here, I'm a very proud geek girl. )

    And you know what, I married a gamer, and we're delightfully happy. We play MMORPGs side by side on our computers, or take the day off to roll dice and play some type of rpg. (In fact, I get ****y if we don't rp at least once every couple of weeks.) And you know what, we've been together for nearly 20 years now (including the years we dated before marriage) and are still very, very happy. In fact, I found that roleplaying helped our marriage out a lot. (We used to even own a games/comic/cards store together where many of the guys coming into the store couldn't believe that I was so into this stuff. lol )

    If your girlfriend is really into the roleplaying part of DDO, try getting her into D&D, she may like it. And, if she does seem to excite her physically, like you said, and she really gets into her D&D characters... trust me, that leads to a good, healthy relationship. (Roleplaying characters in a romantic way can re-kindle the relationship between the two of you, because it's like that 'new love' feeling over and over again. ^_^ )

    So if you like this girl, and you like D&D don't whine! Holy! Years ago I had guys telling me that they wanted to take up religion in thanks because a girl like me was actually INTO RPGs (and comics, and video games, and CCG, and sci-fi, and fantasy). Having something in common, and to such a degree is a blessing.

    Honestly, I have a feeling that you're using complaining to subtlety brag that you most likely found a great catch.

    Just a little extra note: Gamer Girls get snatched up very quickly, it's a very, very rare thing to find a single one.
    Now when I was a teenager I did have a couple of girlfriends who would play but teenage romances seldom last, lol and then in the AF I round into a frew girls who would play but I think that was mainly out of boredom and being stuck in the barracks when the weather was to bad to go elsewhere.

    Beware the Sleepeater

  16. #156
    Community Member CanuckWench's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stoopid_cowboy View Post
    My GF logs more hours a week than I do. She and I fight like cats and dogs when we group together.

    So, to keep things calm and smooth, she can find her own groups

    You should get her to make a healer then you would have your own personal one and We won't have to heal you anymore ...... but then again ...... no don't do that .... we won't get +1 loot anymore

  17. #157
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    Quote Originally Posted by drewrayder View Post
    what would you guys say if you had a woman in your life that just loved ddo to death and loved you playing ddo? with her, without her. hell if she listened to you talk about ddo she would just simply get excited, even turned on. really this topic has me and a friend in debate on it and I wanted to hear guys and gals opinions on the matter.
    I met my wife, of almost 7 years, playing another Turbine product - AC2

    She isn't quite as addicted to MMO's as I am; but she usually plays with me, and is always understanding.

    Makes for a very nice combination.

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