EXCELLENT TIP!!! unlike others im exremely happy to use this. saves me from becomming so horribly traumatized from the evil sadistic people...lol. really though thanks. i like my gaming zen in a positive way. negative people who revel in misery just want others there.
For anyone curious, I knew Solo was making this thread before he posted it, and it was never something I minded. We found this romance on DDO, and it is something that is exciting to us and we are proud of each other. For those that know us in game, we have a tendency to make a little bit of spectacle of ourselves on occasion. That is our prerogative, and something we enjoy.
Part the reason for the thread was as solo said initially, i never thought of the fact that I love playing DDO as a big deal and hes been trying to convince me that it is.
Go Soloartiste!!!!
Hi Kiitikatgurl.
Moinder (Trd)16bard/2ftr/2barb (4 fatesinger)--- Mareen (3rd life) Bard 9/Rog2/ -- Moarigan -- 16bard/2ftr/2barb -- Celeros 18rgr/2ftr -- Malegor 18spellsingerbard/2rog -- Ennoreth (Trd) FVS (19th) Sarlona
I had a DDO GF once, but in the end she just turned out to be a + 1 Curse Spewing Battle Axe.
Just to reiterate, I've ran with both of you, by myself and with my wife. You've always been great to play with, and fun to chat to. We always thought that you were a couple, but never asked. We think it's great and wish you many years of happiness, even if you leave to another MMO. See you guys soon.
Back when I was a teenager, me and my fellow D&D players used to think the idea of a female gamer was just the absolute coolest thing. We would marvel at the possibilities of having girlfriends who gamed (really, we just marveled at the possibilities of having girlfriends at all).
20 some years later, I am in a game group which actually has more female gamers than males - the DM's wife plays, the wife of another player plays, my girlfriend plays, and one of the DM's female neighbors plays. Four gals, three guys.
I wish I could tell my teenage self that playing D&D with girls is not as great as we thought it was. With all the table-talk about shoes, kittens, shopping, food, the latest viral YouTube video, etc. going on it's amazing we actually get any D&D into the session.
So, it's perfectly fine that my girlfriend doesn't want to play DDO - she's too busy playing Settlers of Catan Online anyway.![]()
Last edited by katana_one; 01-05-2011 at 04:48 PM.
You are responsible for your own DDO experience.
My wife Plays DDO with me, though not nearly as much as I. In fact, I often find myself soloing when she isn't in the mood to play.![]()
Anything is a big issue, anything is a small issue. It all depends on how much weight/value you give to it personally.
example: some people give great weight on insults/being insulted. Such that it really riles them up. (and seriously, that was not a jab at anyone anywhere, it is just an example that most people would get.)
If DDO has that much meaning for you, so be it. My hope is that it is positive in its meaning and not a negative.
My wife often plays playstation or Wii while I am playing DDO. She plays live D&D with me though. It even turns her on sometimes. She likes to "roleplay." It's a happy relationship.
Yeah my wife started playing PnP with me first, and we used to split our TV a couple of years back and each play a different game system side by side, usually RPGs of all sorts.
I have my first gamer girlfriend and its freakin awesome. I cant say as I'd want one plays the same games as me though. It adds a bit of variety that I play DDO and she plays the Wii. Now, if you could tell me how to get her to stop comparing DDO to WoWthen I'm all ears
"Why...so...seriousss!", the Late Heath Ledger as the Joker StormLord Mascot
Useful links: A Guide to Using a Gamepad w/ DDO / All Caster Shroud, Hard Shroud, VoD, ToD Einhander, Elochka, Ferrumrym, Ferrumdermis, Ferrumshot, Ferrumblood, Ferrumender, Ferrumshadow, Ferrumschtik All proud officers of The Loreseekers. Except Bruucelee, he's a Sentinel!
for the ones that are still in awe of this fantastic skill he has....the link is also in my bio...but lets just make it easy for those that cant compare to timetorun's awesome skills of facebook...