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  1. #81
    Community Member Previsible's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kittikatgurl View Post
    Not what he was saying. I get turned on by his voice tone, by the excitement and the passion in his voice. Just happens hes talking about DDO at the time. Shrug. What can I say. I get easily turned on.
    That's not getting turned on by DDo, getting turned on by DDo would be more like...

    Cosplaying as your character to get into the mood... or.... I just ran epic dragon and I can't go one more minute without having sex with you because this epic dragon was so hot.

    I can already tell there are people who have never seen the WoW porn out there, I had one friend where him and his girlfriend had costumes and his GF was a Dranei in world of warcraft so she would paint herself blue and wear anal beads that had a tail on the end and they would get all hot and bothered role play style.

    To me this is messed up and makes me think they're sexually traumatized or something.

    Nep away.

    Quote Originally Posted by drewrayder View Post
    its amazing how someone can just decide what is or isnt screwed up that makes a person get turned on. anyone who thinks they are some authority on the matter by deciding someone else is "**ed up* for being that way needs to go back to their therapist. that being said, my girl gets turned on because its ME talking about ddo. now its more clear. but then again...this is a woman telling everyone how its messed up that another woman is like that. we all have issues. thats just hers. i wont be her and decide why shes that way. ill just accept she is.
    It's amazing how people think their opinions matter to me. You have your opinion, I have mine, and I don't care about yours. (Especially when it's extreemily misconstrued.)

    Causes and symptoms
    The cause of the association between an object and sexual arousal may be adolescent curiosity or a random association between the object and feelings of sexual pleasure. A random association may be innocent or unappreciated for its sexual content when it initially occurs. For example, a male may enjoy the texture or tactile sensation of female undergarments or stockings. At first, the pleasurable sensation occurs randomly, and then, in time and with experience, the behavior of using female undergarments or stockings as part of sexual activity is reinforced, and the association between the garments and the sexual arousal is made. A person with a fetish may not be able to pinpoint exactly when his or her fetish began. A fetish may be related to activities associated with sexual abuse.

    Welcome to being educated, when fetishism is listed as a mental disorder it tends to be classified as "****ed up" in slang terms.

    I wasn't even calling your gf ****ed up because as you figured out from her statement she gets turned on by your excitement, your happiness or excitement is her sexual pleasure which is normal for a lot of females.
    Last edited by Previsible; 01-04-2011 at 07:58 AM.
    Alectrona/Level 20/Cleric/Halfling/Female ~ Exavia/Level 20/Sorcerer/Drow/Female ~ Electronika/Level 18/2/Wizard/Monk/Warforged/Female
    Hellacia/Level 13/2/Paladin/Monk/Halfling/Female ~ Previsible/Level 17/Bard/Half-Elf/Female

  2. #82


    @ Previsible

    Welcome to being educated, when fetishism is listed as a mental disorder it tends to be classified as "****ed up" in slang terms.
    I think your particular post (and a few others) can be listed as trolling a thread and being an obnoxious, sour and rude person towards others for no reasons at all.

    Go vent your frustrations somewhere else

    @ Solo and Cassie - u guys are the nicest pair I have met on DDO until this day and I wish you guys all the best, may the feelings last for you, it's a great thing that you share love for each other and's so....romantic
    Grimmsie ??* Grimoria ??* Coffinrot ??* Grimberry ??* Coffindust

  3. #83
    Community Member Previsible's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grimmsie View Post
    @ Previsible

    I think your particular post (and a few others) can be listed as trolling a thread and being an obnoxious, sour and rude person towards others for no reasons at all.

    Go vent your frustrations somewhere else

    @ Solo and Cassie - u guys are the nicest pair I have met on DDO until this day and I wish you guys all the best, may the feelings last for you, it's a great thing that you share love for each other and's so....romantic
    LOL I'm blunt, upfront and honest, if you don't like it take a pill and don't read my posts.

    It's funny how people enjoy being lied to so much that they expect everyone to lie to make them feel special. Your friend here doesn't even know the true meaning of fetishism and you both post things (his being very personal) without thinking. If he didn't want someones opinion in his fantasies here he shouldn't have posted it in a public forum.

    P.S. If you consider it to be trolling then there is a moderator and you can report my posts accordingly. But I assure you it's not trolling so there's not much that can be done about it other than messaging the mod. In the meantime you can stick to happy fluffy bunny land where all of the fake people come to tell eachother how wonderful they are and let the real people get back to their srs bsns, because I don't do fake.
    Last edited by Previsible; 01-04-2011 at 08:12 AM.
    Alectrona/Level 20/Cleric/Halfling/Female ~ Exavia/Level 20/Sorcerer/Drow/Female ~ Electronika/Level 18/2/Wizard/Monk/Warforged/Female
    Hellacia/Level 13/2/Paladin/Monk/Halfling/Female ~ Previsible/Level 17/Bard/Half-Elf/Female

  4. #84


    Quote Originally Posted by Previsible View Post
    LOL I'm blunt, upfront and honest, if you don't like it take a pill and don't read my posts.

    It's funny how people enjoy being lied to so much that they expect everyone to lie to make them feel special. Your friend here doesn't even know the true meaning of fetishism and you both post things (his very personal) without thinking. If he didn't want someones opinion in his fantasies here he shouldn't have posted it in a public forum.
    No I don't like it and I can't post about it if I feel like it, also if there is a way to ignore someones posts in the forums please enlighten me i will happily do so with yours.

    He wanted an opinion but I don't think he wanted to see his girlfriend being listed as "****ed up in the head"- point is there are some boundaries when you stop expressing your opinion politely, even if it's not what the OP would like to see, and you start being outright rude. I don't see anything bad in them sharing their feelings/concerns on the forums. People come here to make threads like "Hey i'm bk after X years of not playing" or many "thank you guildies/friends" threads etc.

    And I don't need to T_T to the mod, my goal was to point something to you and others reading this thread/forum and I'm done.
    Grimmsie ??* Grimoria ??* Coffinrot ??* Grimberry ??* Coffindust

  5. #85
    Community Member Previsible's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grimmsie View Post
    No I don't like it and I can't post about it if I feel like it, also if there is a way to ignore someones posts in the forums please enlighten me i will happily do so with yours.

    He wanted an opinion but I don't think he wanted to see his girlfriend being listed as "****ed up in the head"- point is there are some boundaries when you stop expressing your opinion politely, even if it's not what the OP would like to see, and you start being outright rude. I don't see anything bad in them sharing their feelings/concerns on the forums. People come here to make threads like "Hey i'm bk after X years of not playing" or many "thank you guildies/friends" threads etc.

    And I don't need to T_T to the mod, my goal was to point something to you and others reading this thread/forum and I'm done.
    I am neither refined nor elegant and I'm not about to change myself for some dude in the forums who doesn't understand that his friend made a personal post in a public forum.

    There's nothing wrong with them sharing their feelings or concerns but they have to understand that people are going to say what they think and there's no way to filter that other than to look it over and pay no mind to it.

    Instead you decide to come in and make a big deal of it when really your friend made his girlfriend sound sexually disturbed all on his own. (That would be MY opinion, which does not need to be fact but you assume that because it's said-- it's a fact and it's slanderous.) In addition if my BF had posted something like this about me in a public forum I would be infuriated (to say the least.)

    There's ALSO nothing wrong with reporting to a mod either, that's why they're there.

    People can miscontrue honesty for impudence all they want but the fact of the matter is that they just can't handle honesty, honesty is offensive to them. Someone speaking their mind is completely unheard of or something.

    And an FYI, there is no way to block me, you just have to be strong enough mentally to skip over a post when you see someones name or to pay no mind to them. It's really not that hard to do.
    Last edited by Previsible; 01-04-2011 at 08:53 AM.
    Alectrona/Level 20/Cleric/Halfling/Female ~ Exavia/Level 20/Sorcerer/Drow/Female ~ Electronika/Level 18/2/Wizard/Monk/Warforged/Female
    Hellacia/Level 13/2/Paladin/Monk/Halfling/Female ~ Previsible/Level 17/Bard/Half-Elf/Female

  6. #86
    Community Member Dozen_Black_Roses's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grimmsie View Post
    No I don't like it and I can't post about it if I feel like it, also if there is a way to ignore someones posts in the forums please enlighten me i will happily do so with yours.
    Go to User CP on the top middle of the screen here, and then on the next screen you will see Edit Ignore List on the left hand side. Plug in the person's forum name and hit submit and voila never have to see posts by a person you find as intolerable, idiotic, or vapid again, whatever the case may be.

    Personally I try not to get personal on a public forums, there is one post in this thread by me that is unusally so, but as a rule of thumb I keep my personal business to myself and would have been very mad at my hub if he had posted similarly as the OP, but in their case they seem to both be happy with it, and while it did strike me a tad exhibistionist, it was not to the point I would give either a mental health diagnosis. To each their own, whatever turns your wagon wheels as lng as it doesn't harm or interfere with the lives of others. Think some people recently are a bit over sensitive and might want to look at their own actions before they accuse others of things, as their past postings reveal something else enitrely indeed.
    Shogyo Mujo (Nothing lasts forever and everything must change).
    @>---Fuhgly, Suzee, Blohnde, Shakkei, Redhawt, Sanctified, Punkrawk, Gaelsong, Deviliscious, Liethal----<@

  7. #87
    Community Member Previsible's Avatar
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    I haven't accused anyone of anything, I stated my opinion, they decided to take it personally as they would since they posted their personal details in the forums.

    I never gave a "mental diagnosis" either.

    I really do think that it's sad that people lack a firm grasp of the english language now-a-days though. It's hard to actually have a real conversation when no one knows the true meaning of the words that are being used.

    I also don't go displaying my personal sexual antics in the forums seeing as this is a PG13 MMORPG forum and not the penthouse forum. Maybe for some, it's hard to tell the difference but really-- the thread began worded as a scenario and then became more than a scenario which is really no one else's business.

    Thanks for the information though, now I know how to block people. Before I was just ignoring them like any sane person would do... I'll probably just continue doing it the way I have been anyways, but the information will most likely come in handy in the future.

    P.S. My past postings reveal nothing about me other than that I care about myself and not random people on the internet. I meet people, they match my personality, or I like them and we get along and we talk. OR I see people acting mindless and I tell them what I think, they never like that and I never care because there are more important things in life.
    Last edited by Previsible; 01-04-2011 at 10:12 AM.
    Alectrona/Level 20/Cleric/Halfling/Female ~ Exavia/Level 20/Sorcerer/Drow/Female ~ Electronika/Level 18/2/Wizard/Monk/Warforged/Female
    Hellacia/Level 13/2/Paladin/Monk/Halfling/Female ~ Previsible/Level 17/Bard/Half-Elf/Female

  8. #88
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lessah View Post
    ... and then I turn around (cause I heard a noise) and my man is doing dishes or laundry.... I am like. "Oh.. I SHOULD be doing that." Then I shrug and go back to DDO... cause it makes me happy! Laundry DOES NOT MAKE ME HAPPY!
    Clank doing dishes?!!??! SS verification required. (Hotbar misclicks can be hazardous to glass implements, after all.)

    So yeah.... find a gamer-chick and solve many of your Partner aggro issues, but you will pick up other issues, like the fact that she may ignore you for days at a time or even weeks when she first starts playing!
    I hope this helps!
    My work here is done!!!
    Only days or weeks? Sweet! Beats the heck outta the years of being ignored I just got free of.

    CD expects proper brownie points for stepping AROUND that whole 'enjoying being ordered around' bit.
    CEO - Cupcake's Muskateers, Thelanis

  9. #89
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Saiyren View Post
    +1 totally!
    That was awesome. I about fell off my chair from laughing so hard. I need to find me a guy that orders me around just like that for something I love to do. How'd you get yours?

    Gen-Con is only 7 months away....

    I hear there are a few gamer guys there. Prolly even a couple that like girls.

    CEO - Cupcake's Muskateers, Thelanis

  10. #90
    Community Member Eladiun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by drewrayder View Post
    what would you guys say if you had a woman in your life that just loved ddo to death and loved you playing ddo? with her, without her. hell if she listened to you talk about ddo she would just simply get excited, even turned on. really this topic has me and a friend in debate on it and I wanted to hear guys and gals opinions on the matter.
    I do. My girlfriend and I play together 30+ hours a week and co-run a large guild on Khyber. It is awesome. She is a great player and we have a lot of fun together. It is really cool to get girlfriend agro because I'm not in game yet. I'll tell you it is very nice to have a geek girl that I understands and that we share this hobby.
    “If at first you don't succeed, keep on sucking till you do succeed.”

  11. #91
    Community Member Phidius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dozen_Black_Roses View Post
    Personally, I like this one better...
    Where do I get the starter box?
    "I require a reminder as to why raining arcane destruction is not an appropriate response to all of life's indignities" - Vaarsuvius, OoTS #674

  12. #92
    Community Member Eckenwiler's Avatar
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    Recently got my GF into DDO and it rocks! Now I don't have to stop playing to do stuff with her. We play 10-20 hrs a week together and I don't get any aggro if I played DDO instead of doing (insert any random chore here or sleeping, or eating, or whatever)

    Here's what I did: Made a toon that looks like her. Gave it a cool name (not hers) but told her it was her. When she came home from work, or wherever, I told her all the cool things she did that day. "You cleared the kobold infestation in the Harbor...", "You found the Seal of Shan-To-Kor and kept the giants from destroying Stormreach...", "You set the shade of Delera to rest...","You jumped your ass off and got a complete set of +2 tomes in trade...".

    8 months later she's playing as much as I am and is a bit dissapointed that I don't play "her" anymore. I tell her that as soon as we get our new toons to "her" level I'll play "her" again. That just gets her playing more.

    Gamer girls rock!
    Kutath: 6rogue/2ranger .
    roll models: The Stainless Steel Rat, Fafhyrd the Grey Mouser, Garrett
    Savoring the first run, for it will never happen again.

  13. #93
    Community Member Kelavam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eckenwiler View Post
    Recently got my GF into DDO and it rocks! Now I don't have to stop playing to do stuff with her. We play 10-20 hrs a week together and I don't get any aggro if I played DDO instead of doing (insert any random chore here or sleeping, or eating, or whatever)

    Here's what I did: Made a toon that looks like her. Gave it a cool name (not hers) but told her it was her. When she came home from work, or wherever, I told her all the cool things she did that day. "You cleared the kobold infestation in the Harbor...", "You found the Seal of Shan-To-Kor and kept the giants from destroying Stormreach...", "You set the shade of Delera to rest...","You jumped your ass off and got a complete set of +2 tomes in trade...".

    8 months later she's playing as much as I am and is a bit dissapointed that I don't play "her" anymore. I tell her that as soon as we get our new toons to "her" level I'll play "her" again. That just gets her playing more.

    Gamer girls rock!
    Honestly, that is awesome. I wish I had thought about that with my wife. I finally got her to play, but it took a lot of effort. I am glad the complaining about my time is done though. +1 for a creative idea to get the significant other to play.
    How can you not love Bacon? Even PIGS love bacon.

  14. #94

    Default /gives points

    Quote Originally Posted by cdbd3rd View Post
    Clank doing dishes?!!??! SS verification required. (Hotbar misclicks can be hazardous to glass implements, after all.)

    Only days or weeks? Sweet! Beats the heck outta the years of being ignored I just got free of.

    CD expects proper brownie points for stepping AROUND that whole 'enjoying being ordered around' bit.
    points given. I am writing you a check as we speak!

  15. #95


    Quote Originally Posted by Previsible View Post
    I see people acting mindless and I tell them what I think...
    Or you could actually do what you tell people instead.

    Quote Originally Posted by Previsible View Post
    you just have to be strong enough mentally to skip over a post when you see someones name or to pay no mind to them. It's really not that hard to do.
    In other words, you don't have to open up your mouth. Move along there is nothing here you desire to see.

    Quote Originally Posted by Previsible View Post
    they never like that and I never care because there are more important things in life.
    Still never found anything better? Because by posting like that you are showing that it is important enough to you in life.

    Op, all I can say is that I hope it works out for you. Having things to do together makes a relationship a lot more fun, but don't be afraid to try out different games together to spice things up.

  16. #96

    Default Clanky Chimes In

    Quote Originally Posted by cdbd3rd View Post
    Clank doing dishes?!!??! SS verification required. (Hotbar misclicks can be hazardous to glass implements, after all.)
    "One wipe and it's glass bits everywhere!" Trust me CD, the fine China is safer in Clanky's steel gauntlets than duct taped into Lessah's stick-um coated hands. She has been known to be a bit of a bull in a China cabinet. (That's right, I said cabinet.)

    Don't worry. I'm safe. I'm pretty sure she doesn't ever visit the forums or have anything to do with DDo. Well, except for her podcast and her guest appearances on other podcasts. She finally gave up running a couple guilds I think.

    So yeah, Clanky got Lessah involved in DDo. It wasn't my initial plan to turn her into a full-time gamer chick, but it is working out pretty damned well. I tried an iterative approach. The steps were as follows:
    1. Get her playing Neverwinter Nights (take advantage of of a good story and character development. Get her role-playing a little.)
    2. Intoduce her to DDo as soon as it came out (She had a tiny bit of D&D experience when younger. She hated the interface swap from NWN to DDo at first--almost a deal breaker.)
    3. Do most of the dishes. (I didn't plan that bit.)

    She (and I think everyone else) has since surpassed me with dozens of characters across lots of servers. I now use her keep me better informed as to what is going on in the game. Clanky is smiling all the way to the back teeth. We lose about once glass a month.

  17. #97
    Community Member stoopid_cowboy's Avatar
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    IBTC (in before the cube)

    Quote Originally Posted by KookieKobold View Post
    I guess pants can be optional

  18. #98
    Community Member ballsz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by drewrayder View Post
    what would you guys say if you had a woman in your life that just loved ddo to death and loved you playing ddo? with her, without her. hell if she listened to you talk about ddo she would just simply get excited, even turned on. really this topic has me and a friend in debate on it and I wanted to hear guys and gals opinions on the matter.
    Dude... c'mon... Does it matter? If your happy and she is happy, who the *%&$ cares.

    The saying "A couple that plays together, stays together." has more than one meaning.

    Best wishes to both of you.
    Last edited by ballsz; 01-04-2011 at 05:53 PM.
    WTT Large Bone for Underwater Action.
    Hellbound Angels - Hellspewn, Hellsscion, Hellstryke, Hellsmonster, Hellsnsanity, Cowboyup, Wiskie, Theralt

  19. #99
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    if you dont care about my opinion, great. if you dont care what i think, thats given right back. that being said...why post to my thread? a bit antisocial huh? went on about how amazing people are that they have opinions that "matter" to you and all that. my opinion was directed at you...and everyone else in my thread. a bit egotistical to go on with how i need my opinion to matter to you. your noone to me. your noone i met, will meet or care about one way or another. to prove my point ill let you have the last word. seems you need to anyways.

    Quote Originally Posted by Previsible View Post
    That's not getting turned on by DDo, getting turned on by DDo would be more like...

    Cosplaying as your character to get into the mood... or.... I just ran epic dragon and I can't go one more minute without having sex with you because this epic dragon was so hot.

    I can already tell there are people who have never seen the WoW porn out there, I had one friend where him and his girlfriend had costumes and his GF was a Dranei in world of warcraft so she would paint herself blue and wear anal beads that had a tail on the end and they would get all hot and bothered role play style.

    To me this is messed up and makes me think they're sexually traumatized or something.

    Nep away.

    It's amazing how people think their opinions matter to me. You have your opinion, I have mine, and I don't care about yours. (Especially when it's extreemily misconstrued.)

    Causes and symptoms
    The cause of the association between an object and sexual arousal may be adolescent curiosity or a random association between the object and feelings of sexual pleasure. A random association may be innocent or unappreciated for its sexual content when it initially occurs. For example, a male may enjoy the texture or tactile sensation of female undergarments or stockings. At first, the pleasurable sensation occurs randomly, and then, in time and with experience, the behavior of using female undergarments or stockings as part of sexual activity is reinforced, and the association between the garments and the sexual arousal is made. A person with a fetish may not be able to pinpoint exactly when his or her fetish began. A fetish may be related to activities associated with sexual abuse.

    Welcome to being educated, when fetishism is listed as a mental disorder it tends to be classified as "****ed up" in slang terms.

    I wasn't even calling your gf ****ed up because as you figured out from her statement she gets turned on by your excitement, your happiness or excitement is her sexual pleasure which is normal for a lot of females.

  20. #100
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eladiun View Post
    I do. My girlfriend and I play together 30+ hours a week and co-run a large guild on Khyber. It is awesome. She is a great player and we have a lot of fun together. It is really cool to get girlfriend agro because I'm not in game yet. I'll tell you it is very nice to have a geek girl that I understands and that we share this hobby.
    HELL yeah. thats what im talking about brother. shes very much that way. i love it. my point of this thread was to show this and see what people thought of it and such. its nice to see others have this too. im not here for crazy people to splurt their misery and "honesty" like its needed. more awesomeness to you brother.

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