Looking for: SoS scroll, Claw glove scroll, dustless boots scroll
In game contacts: Reckter, Veisha, Anhilliation, Vikzor, Treeblunt, Nytblunt, Yerbo
Scrolls for trade:
wolf whistle (rek)
Coronation shield (link me other ings and voice a honest want to use the shield and ill probably give it to you)
Hruv Medallion (rek)
Firestrom Greaves (rek)
Vulk Pend (rek)
Weathered targe (rek)
Gloves of falc (rek)
stinkpelt (rek)
Dragon Eye (rek)
Azure proph (rek)
Delving gogs (rek)
Necklace of silver proph (rek)
House D:
Denith heavy chain (rek)
Siren bracer (rek)
2x robe of dissonence (rek)
twisted talisman (rek)
scrag greatclub (rek)
shamans band (rek)
House P:
Garos' malice (rek)
Timeblade (rek)
Docent of diab (rek)
************************************************** ***
Looking for:
+10 seeker/+10 stunning warhammer
exceptionally good +10 seeker light or heavy pick
exceptionally good non PG boss beater. holy/holy burst silver of greater bane highly prized.
Looking to purchase/trade for crafting on a rocksplitter
Other nice things:
32x Lightning splits (rek)
Kits to upgrade your house D base items
Racial items:
+6 str +3 balance belt ML 13 half-orc (vik)
+3 holy greataxe ML 6 dwarf racial (yea)
+1 flaming q-staff of vert +8, ML 8 racial half-orc (rek)
+5 maladroit handwraps of greater evil outsider bane, ML 18 racial human (rek) <--yes these rock
Basic random weapons:
+1 holy burst falchion of enfeebling w/ small aug slot, ML 12 (yea)
+2 Icy burst Flaming greatsword of pure good, ML 6 (vik) ---> the harbor you shalt dominate
+1 paralizing greatsword ML 10 (vik)
+4 acid greataxe of PG ML 10 (vei)
+1 keen falch of PG ML 4 (bank)
+4 vicious maul of greater ooze bane, ML 14 (yea)
+3 vicious maul of stunning +10, ML 16 Icy bursted (rek)
+5 vicious khopesh of greater construct bane, ML 14 (rek) <--have to be a motivational trade
+2 holy burst kukri of greater gnoll bane, ML 16 (yea)
+2 holy handaxe of disruption, ML 16 (yea)
+5 holy light mace of maiming ML 14 (vik)
+3 Thundering sickle of greater construct bane (bank)
+1 holy burst rapier of PG ML 10 (vei)
+1 true law flametouched battle axe of greater undead bane ML 8 (vei)
+1 weakening longsword of everbright, ML 10 (yea)
+3 metalline battle axe of pure good, ML 10 w/ small aug slot (yea)
+3 holy light pick of greater goblinoid bane, ML 14 (yea)
+2 acid sickle of disruption, ML 14 (yea)
+2 vorpal longsword of rightousness, ML 14 (yea)
+2 shocking burst scimitar, ML 6 (yea)
+5 shortsword of greater construct bane, ML 14 (yea)
+1 shock heavy mace of stunning +10, ML 12 (yea)
+2 superior potency II dagger, ML 6 (yea)
+3 superior potency VI bastard sword, ML 14 (yea)
+3 superior potency VI sickle, ML 14 (yea)
+2 Superior Devotion VI sceptre, ML 10 (yea)
+5 anarchic handwraps of pure good, ML 14 (yea) --> versatile portal beater. doubles as solid boss beater for shintao
+2 true law handwraps of greater elemental bane, ML 10 (yea)
+1 weakening handwraps of greater evil outsider bane (bank)
+2 holy handwraps, ML 6 (rek)
+4 shock light crossbow of greater dragon bane, ML 14 (yea)
+3 true law longbow of greater elemental bane, ML 12 w/ small aug (rek)
Basic random non weapons:
+11 13 and 15 thieves gear sets, goggles mostly, some rings (vei and anh)
Various solid fog and grease clickies (vik, vei, rek)
Improved devotion III ring of haggle +3, ML 7 (yea)
Disease immunity ring of lesser false life, ML 5 (yea)
+2 wisdom ring, ML 5 (yea)
+3 dex ring, ML 7 (yea)
Greater fire res ring, ML 11 (yea)
+6 wis +3 diplo Ring (vik)
+1 charisma ring of protect +5, ML 15 (yea)
5 click divine power bracers, ML 11 (yea)
+6 charisma ML 13 cloak (vik)
+3 prot Tiny aug slot ML 9 cloak (vik)
+1 con +5 protect necklace ML 15 (vei)
+6 wisdom 1 click invis Necklace ML 15 (yea)
Sacred necklace of Prot +5, ML 15 (yea)
+5 wis necklace, ML 11 (yea) 3 perm damage
Various ML 9 mod fort belts +1 str or con (vei or anh)
3 divine power clickie belt, ML 9 (yea)
+6 str, light fort belt, ML 15 w/ medium aug slot (yea)
+6 str belt, ML 13 w/tiny aug slot (yea)
+3 Str belt ML 7 (vik)
+6 str +5 hp belt, ML 15 (yea)
+4 con of mod fort belt ML 15 (vei)
+6 con+5 hp Belt ML 15 (vei)
feather fall boots of 5 DP clickies, ML 13 (vei) <--have to be a motivational trade
Named items:
Sunblade (bank)
Phase hammer (vei or anh)
Souleater (vik)
Scarlet and blue Ioun stone (yea)
Pink ioun stone (yea)
Greatclub of the scrag (yea)
Ancient Band (yea)
+5 greensteel light pick. can include ings
2x +2 Str (bank)
3x +2 int (bank or yea)
1x wis +2 (yea)
2x dex +2 (yea)
All +1s, bulk rates avail.