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  1. #1
    Founder Gai-jin's Avatar
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    Default Equipment advice. What should I change?

    My FvS has lots of nifty equipment, but I feel like I'm doubling up on some things, and not getting other bonuses I should. Here's what I've got. What would you do differently?

    Helm: Devotion 2 helm of Wizardry 7
    Goggles: Spectacular Optics
    Armor: Dragontouched Breastplate: Heavy Fort, Salt Guard, and Greater Potency 7, with the Eldritch armor ritual
    Wrist: Ogre Power Bracers +6
    Rings: 30% Striding, Ring of Lies
    Boots: Feather fall & Jump +11
    Gloves: Gauntlets of Eternity
    Belt: Proof against poison belt of SR19
    Cloak: Cloak of Night (lv 16)
    Trinket: Dusk heart
    Necklace: Torc of Prince Raiyum-de II
    Weapon: Greensteel Sceptre - Wis +6, Exceptional wis +1 and +2, Crushing wave, and 3 charges of panacea

    I also have a baubble and head of good fortune that I swap in on the trinket slot at times. And Lorrik's necklace and a silver flame talisman I can swap in on the neck. A variety of long swords as melee weapons, but I tend to keep the scepter in hand by default.

    I'm sure there's lots of room for improvement. Particularly in the belt, boots, probably goggles, etc.

    Any suggestions are welcome, but grinding out a new greensteel is probably a long shot. that one was made back in the early days of shroud, and I only finally got around to adding a 3rd tier recently. It'd probably be a long time before I get another one leveled up.

  2. #2
    Community Member azrael4h's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gai-jin View Post
    My FvS has lots of nifty equipment, but I feel like I'm doubling up on some things, and not getting other bonuses I should. Here's what I've got. What would you do differently?

    Helm: Devotion 2 helm of Wizardry 7
    Goggles: Spectacular Optics
    Armor: Dragontouched Breastplate: Heavy Fort, Salt Guard, and Greater Potency 7, with the Eldritch armor ritual
    Wrist: Ogre Power Bracers +6
    Rings: 30% Striding, Ring of Lies
    Boots: Feather fall & Jump +11
    Gloves: Gauntlets of Eternity
    Belt: Proof against poison belt of SR19
    Cloak: Cloak of Night (lv 16)
    Trinket: Dusk heart
    Necklace: Torc of Prince Raiyum-de II
    Weapon: Greensteel Sceptre - Wis +6, Exceptional wis +1 and +2, Crushing wave, and 3 charges of panacea

    I also have a baubble and head of good fortune that I swap in on the trinket slot at times. And Lorrik's necklace and a silver flame talisman I can swap in on the neck. A variety of long swords as melee weapons, but I tend to keep the scepter in hand by default.

    I'm sure there's lots of room for improvement. Particularly in the belt, boots, probably goggles, etc.

    Any suggestions are welcome, but grinding out a new greensteel is probably a long shot. that one was made back in the early days of shroud, and I only finally got around to adding a 3rd tier recently. It'd probably be a long time before I get another one leveled up.
    I see no +6 CON item. Good change on the belt slot. You don't need FF boots full time, and you didn't mention what is in you're offhand. A Skiver might go well there for casting duties.
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  3. #3
    Community Member fullpozzy's Avatar
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    Belt: Prestiage belt from amrath- con+6 and GFL
    Bracers: leviks( Str +6 and heal amp 20%)
    boots: 30% striding
    Rings: Prestiage rings w/ exceptional con
    Helm GS HP item w/ con op or Minos

    Also look at glacier set from VoD
    Bracers- arcmagi
    Gloves meta magic cost lowered

    Possibly pick up light and darkness from Minsunder

  4. #4
    Founder Matuse's Avatar
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    Dump the FF boots entirely. You have Leap of Faith, you don't need them.

    Get 30% striding boots, swap the ring for something else, like +6 to an attribute you need.

    Hit Amrath, get a +6 con/GFL belt.

    Make a set of Air goggles. They take minimal construction (especially in larges). shows everything to make it.
    Kobold sentient jewel still hate you.

  5. #5
    Founder Gai-jin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by azrael4h View Post
    I see no +6 CON item. Good change on the belt slot. You don't need FF boots full time, and you didn't mention what is in you're offhand. A Skiver might go well there for casting duties.
    Actually, I realized after posting that I didn't have my regular belt, which is +6 con and lesser false life. Not sure how I ended up wearing the other one. I've corrected that now.

    Skiver -- That would be nice. Does it still require as much grind to get the tome pages as it used to?. The off hand was a Greater potency 7 scepter, until I recently got the soverign rune of magic on my dragontouched armor.

  6. #6
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    Helm GS HP item (single shards are fine) or minos. preferably minos till you find a slot to work toughness in, which looks like it might be a long stretch from you lack of epic gear? If you have access to epic von helm, go for that, as it looks like your going for casting DCs. adjust your DT eld rune to match your helm. dont need double heavy fort, +5 resist or 10% heal amp would work well.

    Bracer: epic claw, epic scorched, reg scorched (to work towards set bonus) or bare minimum levik's (depending, if you get epic claw, gives heavy fort, need to adjust DT runes/other gear to match and maximize its use).
    Im a big fan of the vod glacier stuff as well, check it out, relatively easy to get.

    Rings: amrath 1 and 2. exc wis and exc con (if you dont get epic claw bracer) or exc wis/superior heal lore/open up glove slot for epic claw as well.

    Belt: GFL/+6 con belt from amrath is the basic simple go-to. Better options are out there for exponential more grind (evon belt being one)

    Offhand: skiver is not an easy grind, from sounds of it, probably not something you want to strive for. if sometime down the road the pages land in your lap, go to town Toting around a good shield is never a horrible idea

    Boots: where striders usually go , epic dustless are rad if you have ings sitting around, with added bonus of filling out a +1 exc or +6 ench stat for you. Id recommend against blind immunity crafting on them as long term you most likely will be going for a conc op item and can fit first tier immunities on that. I double up boots as my GS clickie slot, your preferences may vary, gloves are also popular slot for clickie swaps.

    Trinket: with cloak=absolutely zero use. There are a few trinkets that could help, the head you have is a step in right direction at least improving saves. ioun stones, litany, DR trinkets, spell absorb trinkets, bauble, EARDWELLER All better options, and should probably pack at least bauble around for clickie if you dont, eardweller is the shiz but getting one can be quite the task if your luck is bad. But seriously, your going for casting: eardweller/bauble should be a primary focus. a fully amped eardweller blade barrier is a super fun toy to rule the world with.

    Your cloak: IMO (many will disagree) I do not think fits your build very well. Decent for the short term, but id aim to put either the epic envenomed here or your conc op GS, need a cleansing of your HP item for that though.

    Goggles: Your goggles are no good your gear should be working towards having +5 resists somewhere, nixing the +4 to reflex completely, and from looks of it you dont have much AC, making the +3 protect useless. The new epic time sensing gogs might be an excellent choice for your build, if you do any melee at all (which i dont think you do?) tharnes goggles are always my first choice. If anything, put your conc op GS here instead of cloak so you can work towards the envenomed cloak (+10 constitution is never bad )

    Gloves: Depending on your luck/success/interest in gaining the abashi set bonus and looking for those epic pieces, should work towards charged gloves here (rounding out first tier abashi set bonus with cloak/maybe bracer?) or claw set if you decide you like red fens more than echrono runs.

    I decided fens for my melee fvs, but the echrono set route would be just as viable. Problem is, its kind of best to review the two sets, weigh in how much you enjoy the run vs the other and set a goal early. Each set requires completely different GS slots to be filled with different exc bonuses crafted on everything. Starting down one path then switching can really screw you
    Last edited by jeremyt; 01-02-2011 at 08:29 PM. Reason: more details

  7. #7
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    Default FvS Gear Advice

    I was curious what would be the ideal gear for max DCs for a FvS while maintaining Concordant Opp + Torq.

  8. #8
    Community Member voodoogroves's Avatar
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    I'd build some ConOp HP Goggles, for one (I'd go HP not SP). Then make sure you had STR, CON and CHA covered elsewhere (con op would give you wis). Rings are good w/ exceptional CON or WIS depending if you're more melee-ish or caster-ish. Levik's Bracers are nice. I'd probably use a Minos and ditch your helm.

    I use my boot spot as a swap spot on all my characters for the most part. Striders, FF and even Boots of the Mire for UA. I like to keep FF on a swap so I can take it off more easily.

    Dusk Heart, in particular, is buying you nothing. False Life is covered by your belt for the most part and the Mabar cloak covers the blurry and deathward. Keep some other trinket slotted.

    If you get the Minos, this frees up your DT eldritch slot - Resistance 5 is nice as is Healing Amp, Striders. Even Greater False Life if your first Amrath belts aren't.

    Maybe ...

    Helm: Minos
    Goggles: ConOp HP (Wis)
    Cloak: Mabar
    Boots: Swap FF / Striding
    Neck: Torc
    Bracers: Leviks (Str)
    Belt: CON + GFL (Con)
    Ring 1: Charisma / ToD (Cha)
    Ring 2: Utility - Thelis? / ToD
    Gloves: Eternity, Glacier, Bramble Casters
    DT Eldritch: Resistance 5 or Healing Amp or Striding
    Ghallanda - now with fewer alts and more ghostbane

  9. #9
    Founder Gai-jin's Avatar
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    Not lv 20 currently, so no epic gear. Appreciate the suggestions though, as I'll be looking for them soon enough. I guess I expected the cloak and trinket would stack. Can you not benefit from both Dusk and Ghostly at the same time? And I do have a bauble, i use just for clicky. I don't see where there would be any benefit from keeping it on all the time, am I missing something?

    As for Minos, I was really looking at that as being a heavy fort item, not toughness. Since I got fort on my armor, I didn't need the helm. I suppose the toughness would be nice, though I would have to find something else for SP.

    Eardweller -- I've heard of it, but never took a serious look at it. Probably another one that I'm missing something on. Looking at the wiki, eardweller offers INT +6, Listen -7, enchantment focus, and minor spell pen 9. How does that affect blade barrier?

    More later. Wife is hollering.

  10. #10
    Community Member FaSo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gai-jin View Post
    Not lv 20 currently, so no epic gear. Appreciate the suggestions though, as I'll be looking for them soon enough. I guess I expected the cloak and trinket would stack. Can you not benefit from both Dusk and Ghostly at the same time? And I do have a bauble, i use just for clicky. I don't see where there would be any benefit from keeping it on all the time, am I missing something?

    As for Minos, I was really looking at that as being a heavy fort item, not toughness. Since I got fort on my armor, I didn't need the helm. I suppose the toughness would be nice, though I would have to find something else for SP.

    Eardweller -- I've heard of it, but never took a serious look at it. Probably another one that I'm missing something on. Looking at the wiki, eardweller offers INT +6, Listen -7, enchantment focus, and minor spell pen 9. How does that affect blade barrier?

    More later. Wife is hollering.
    eardweller gives 3 charges of a 1 min clicky(?) that boosts spells by 100%
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  11. #11
    Founder Gai-jin's Avatar
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    Ooooh... somehow I looked right over that effect.

    That would be worth looking for.

  12. #12
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    dont have mabar cloak

    would you suggest stormreaver napkin or GS +6 Cha skills cloak instead?

  13. #13
    Founder Matuse's Avatar
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    I'd go with the GS Spellpoints item.

    Mabar cloak is super nice, however. The level 16 version is amazing (you don't have much use for the epic mabar cloak as a 20 FvS, the main boost is the DR which won't help you at all).

    Napkin is decent to have on a switch though. Once that initial pool of spellpoints is burned up, there isn't a huge reason to continue wearing the item. Air Guard is kinda nifty, but if you're looking for DCs, then the Napkin is the better route.

    Obviously that's only if you don't have something better. The Napkin is nice because it handles ALL spell foci. But if you're only using Evocation or Necromancy, then a greater focus item would be better. Abbot loot is...kind of a pain, but the staff of the petitioner is just godlike for using Destruction/Slay Living.
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  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gai-jin View Post

    As for Minos, I was really looking at that as being a heavy fort item, not toughness. Since I got fort on my armor, I didn't need the helm. I suppose the toughness would be nice, though I would have to find something else for SP.

    SP item would either be bracers (archmagi glacial if you decide on that route) necklace (amrath torin's for item consolidation/set bonus if you decide that route) weapon (skiver, other various named loots with 150-200sp) + a GS conc op with immunity tier 1, SP tier 2 SP tier 3 should be highish on your goal list. It is a dual shard item, but pivotal. It stacks with torc

    PS I am personally a huge fan of the warchanter amrath set on my melee fvs, as it frees up both hands for dps, reduces meta costs, boosts blade barriers 100% of the time and has a decent SP boost (150/300). He uses glacial bracers right now mostly still waiting his turn for his epic claw set, so dont even use the SP from the necklace and still use it most all the time. I have not gotten a torc though
    Last edited by jeremyt; 01-03-2011 at 03:41 PM.

  15. #15
    Community Member voodoogroves's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jeremyt View Post
    SP item would either be bracers (archmagi glacial if you decide on that route) necklace (amrath torin's for item consolidation/set bonus if you decide that route) weapon (skiver, other various named loots with 150-200sp) + a GS conc op with immunity tier 1, SP tier 2 SP tier 3 should be highish on your goal list. It is a dual shard item, but pivotal. It stacks with torc
    I'm more a fan of 45 HP Con-Op instead of SP Con-Op. Swap in the SP item before you shrine, buff up and then move it off somewhere. Since ConOp will fill your SP max SP is less important than max HP.
    Ghallanda - now with fewer alts and more ghostbane

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by voodoogroves View Post
    I'm more a fan of 45 HP Con-Op instead of SP Con-Op. Swap in the SP item before you shrine, buff up and then move it off somewhere. Since ConOp will fill your SP max SP is less important than max HP.
    I do agree here, but conc op SP item also boosts cha skills, which may or may not be useful to the orig poster, highly useful to my fvs. If you use any cha skills (intim, UMD, diplo) getting conc op SP specced is probably the best route IMO. A cheapo earthgrab HP, smoke HP (for leveling), or air guard HP (haste clickie as well) would be good options if the conc op SP route is taken.

    But voodooG is right, if your not using cha skills in any way on this fvs, cheapo SP item to use when shrining and a conc op HP item is a solid slot saving route.

  17. #17
    Founder Xithos's Avatar
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    Talking Gear

    I just necroed some old text from a similar thread for fun. If epic grinding is not your cup of tea you can disregard these ideas completely, but here they are anyway just for fun. This is a gear setup for my level 20 Castersoul; Blade Barriers and Hjealz mostly.

    Head: Epic Helm of the Mroranon (+6 Str Yellow Slot) / Epic Chainmail Coif (same)
    Neck: Epic Torc (+6 Dex Colorless Slot) / Noxious Embers / Silver Flame Neck
    Goggles: Existential of Concordant Opp (+6 Wis, +Cha skills, Wiz VI, Conc Opp)
    Trinket: Litany of the Dead / Xachosian Eardweller / Mysterious Bauble
    Robe: Epic Robe of Fire (Toughness Blue slot)
    Bracers: Epic Kundarak Warding Bracers (+6 Con , GFL, +5 Resistance)
    Gloves: Mineral II (+45 hp, Heavy Fort, Protection +5, Stoneskin clicky)
    Cloak: Stormreaver's Napkin
    Belt: Rahkir's Sash / Amrath clickies for Healing (Tokala's, Amara's, etc.)
    Boots: Epic Dustless Boots (Exc. Con +1 in Yellow Slot) / Kundarak Delving Boots / Firestorm Greaves
    Ring 1: Rahkir's Ring - Upgraded with +2 Exc. Con / Ring of the Djinn
    Ring 2: Telvi's Touch - Upgraded with +2 Exc. Wis
    Main Hand: Epic Greenblade (Staff of the petitioner w/ Amrath click for healbotting)
    Off Hand: Sup Pot VI Longsword
    Last edited by Xithos; 01-03-2011 at 07:35 PM.
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  18. #18
    Community Member voodoogroves's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jeremyt View Post
    I do agree here, but conc op SP item also boosts cha skills, which may or may not be useful to the orig poster, highly useful to my fvs. If you use any cha skills (intim, UMD, diplo) getting conc op SP specced is probably the best route IMO. A cheapo earthgrab HP, smoke HP (for leveling), or air guard HP (haste clickie as well) would be good options if the conc op SP route is taken.

    But voodooG is right, if your not using cha skills in any way on this fvs, cheapo SP item to use when shrining and a conc op HP item is a solid slot saving route.
    It helps w/ the cleansing too ... cleanse the HP con op item, then get a straight +6 cha skills (not just +5 like the conop gives) in some other swapping spot.
    Ghallanda - now with fewer alts and more ghostbane

  19. #19
    Founder Gai-jin's Avatar
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    I've hunted down some of the items recommended above. Here's where I'm at so far:

    Helm - Minos
    Goggles - spectacular optics
    Armor - Dragontouched breastplate - Heavy Fort, Salt Guard, Greater Potency 7, and alchemical armor defense
    Bracers - Glacial bracers
    Rings - Katra's Razor Wit & Ring of Lies
    Boots - Striding 30
    Gloves - Gauntlets of Eternity
    Belt - Vornes belt
    Cloak - Cloak of night
    Trinket - Head of good fortune. Also use Baubble and Voice when needed
    Necklace - Torc

    Lots of improvements. I still need to replace the goggles, the ring of lies, and redo the first tier of my DT armor. Probably will go with conc op goggles, and eldritch rune of resistance on the armor. Still missing a couple of ingredients for TOD boots. I'll shoot for those rings eventually, but in the mean time, I'm sure there's something that would fit better than ring of lies.

    Without going to epics (still lv 19), anyone see more room for improvement?
    Last edited by Gai-jin; 02-06-2011 at 01:43 AM.

  20. #20
    Founder Gai-jin's Avatar
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    Well, I finally made lv 20, and picked up a couple of things from the birthday event.

    Now I keep an epic ornamental dagger (upgraded once) in the off hand. When I'm looking to fight rather than cast, I switch out to Light and Darkeness with a longsword, and a Greater Bold Trinket.

    Still haven't got around to replacing the goggles though.

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