Farm the events for motes, coins, whatever and sell them. I made a ton of cash at Mabar and Risia/Festivult.
Farm the events for motes, coins, whatever and sell them. I made a ton of cash at Mabar and Risia/Festivult.
usually stuff +4 (pure) sells well, and for good prices.
Pure rouge stuff (+7,+9,+11,+13,+15) search googles, Disable device google, spot googles (those a bit less) you can easly get *4 price (even more).
Intimi stuff (it kidna popular and rare)
ff boots (lv 7) you won't make bazilion of pp but still can sell for decend prices.
You always can run a bit desert Bloodstones, Spell Storing rings, Firestorm graves, heck Even thornlord. is worth much (an you will get tokens that you can exchcne for stuff - I think 75 clothing/jewelery would be the best).
Dumping coins onto the AH
And desert runs! Resetting the instance takes a minute or two using an Invis clickie and the walk-up tombs, or you can go into the Wizard King and perhaps pick up a couple of Lightning Split Soarwoods
Raiding the Giants Vault:
Is solo only, and has 5 or sometimes 6 chests. Recommend a loot gem, and also helps you farm Essences if you plan to upgrade a Dreaming Dark item or an Ioun Stone.
+1 for that - The IQ great place for plat farming.
quests that can add pp to an account quickly are:
- the Shroud
- Tempest Spine
- Delerium (always seem to make a lot of pp in there)
- Caverns of Korromar
- The IQ Series/Mindsunder
- Xorian Cypher (nice payday if you get Planar Gird)
- Gwylan's Stand
- Irestone Inlet
another tip for the op is to take the time and head to the pawns. The pawns pay a little bit more, and it does add up.
I do this a lot solo with a 20 Caster or Bard and run over to DQ1 and loot the 3 quick/easy chests on EPIC. Get some nice loot there, and if have nuking power can get scrolls from the pit at the final chest (I do Water, Monkey, then Pit in case I die there).
Any character can do it, but easier (safer) with jump/haste/invis and a nice hide/silent moves item...
Oh, and make sure you have true seeing or a clickie BEFORE you jump into the water.
Personally, I can't be bothered to send all my junk to my bard to sell for a few percent more plat. However, I do put a lot of stuff onto the AH. Not everything sells, but any + stat item will sell if you price it a just over 50% of it's base value, assuming it doesn't have some other attibute on it that pumps the price up. At 50% of the base value you still get more plat than the vendors. For simple items just set the buy out near that price or higher. For Items that are RR or particularly nice or low level I start it at 50% or so of the base value and have no buy out. I think the best you can do with a super haggle bard is about 30% of the base value. Unfortunately for you the best AH time just flew by, but kids are still on vacation so there should be higher than normal demand on AH items through the middle or so of January. Also, I find that putting items on for 72hrs starting on Thursday night give the best results, that gets you prime weekend auction time. T
Believe me I know Jay, I was having trouble keeping up with mini on my Cleric
Don't be a shopaholic Aus because it is the sure way to be broke; of course then again what is all that plat doing for you in the bank??? It's just sitting there, saying spend me....spend me....!!
Khyber:Greenberry, Jemric, Qashta, Leuk, Thurradal + many others
You are correct in thinking that you will only get a few extra percentage points from a high haggle character than from a low haggle character, but those few extra percentage points make an enormous difference when selling vendor trash.
If you sell trash weapons at the House D broker with 0 Haggle (generic, low Cha character with no +haggle item), you will get 15% of their base value when you sell them.
If you sell trash weapons at the House D broker with a level 7 Bard that has a +7 Haggle item, 11 ranks in Haggle, a 16 Cha and an Eagles Splendor clicky, Voice of the Master, self buffed with Heroism and the +1 skill spell, you're looking a 28 Haggle skill with essentially no investment. That 28 Haggle gets you 22% of the base price when selling at the broker.
The difference between 15% and 22% doesn't seem like a lot (it sounds like just a 7% increase), but if you sell enough to make 100,000 plat with 0 Haggle, the 28 Haggle bard (or Rogue) would have gotten just under 147,000 plat. What looks like a 7% increase is actually an 47% increase.
For items that you sell in a generic vendor, there's an even bigger difference. What would have been 100,000 plat in a generic, no favor vendor with 0 haggle turns into 170,000 plat with just a 28 haggle.
My level 12 bard can get his haggle close to 60 and he is not gimped can heal buff, and crowd control, I could of made him a warchanter melee and still had close to the same ammount of haggle. When people ask me what his haggle is and i tell them, they say oh he must be gimp then, but when I tell them what his hp, dcs, spell points ect are they cant believe. Obtaining a high haggle doesnt mean your going to gimp your bard.
Note that d&d is a tiered leveling, each level or two has its own economy.
If you get rich at one level you will find it is entirely not enough after the next couple levels and that the treasure gets much better.
Just get enough to outfit with weapons, armor and gear appropiate for your level and don't worry if it is not the very best.
At the lower levels you income will be very low, you can't or is hard to save enough to prepare for your next levels ahead in time.
Just do 'loot runs' enough times to keep you in shape and keep leveling, leave favor runs for later.
At each level there's one or two quests that are 'better for loot' by having more chests or being easier to run and ransack.
Earlier ones are ringleader, irestone, gwaylan stand, tear of drakkan.
By the time you can do caverns of korromar you will see an improvement.
Then comes tempest spine and you can repeat it over and over for loot.
When you reach the mid-high levels you will need to see into packs.
Once you have sands, gianthold or vale of twilight you will never again look back to do loot runs on f2p quests.
At the higher levels the loot problem vanishes. Packs whose chests give lv 16 loot can make you rich hagglebot or not.
When you have your first capped toon you can use it to farm loot and outfit a new alt or plan for your TR.
It won't be difficult to sustain 50k plat per day from wilderness rares alone, and from vendoring junk alone.
This is why people sell the good stuff for a million plat, it only takes a couple weeks to earn that much.
It is still a rip-off, but that is what goes in the mind of the greedy sellers.
The Shipwrecked Spy nets me about 12k per run.
Blood stone farming and spectral gloves farming is also good. Hell, some people buy the blood stone for a million. Only problem is it seems to drop about once every 2 months or so it seems.
Spectral gloves are easy to farm. I've had good luck getting them, and bad luck. Even better if you have more than one toon that can solo it. Although, I did recently ransack it with two toons with nothing to show for it.
I'm sure others have great strategies, too.
Just do epic von6 every 3 days and sell all flawless reds you get.Not much of a work and keeps your cash flow on.
:: [ Air Savant - Level 160 ] ::
Actually, I've found that I can make better money from lower level quests in harbor quite often then I can from middle level stuff. Well, okay, call it low-mid, say, lvl 7-10? Why? Because while chest loot in harbor quests sucks, they seem to have another quality, collectables. Pure Water, Feverbranches, they drop like crazy in harbor quests, and you can easily sell them for decent prices. I tend to sell both at about 700pp each on AH, and granted, I could get more, but, I ALWAYS manage to sell them. Ditto for rarer stuff, seems after I leave harbor stuff, Small Ebb shards vanish, and I never see them again.
Gwylans is great IF you manage to pull the primo items, Arylens Ring, etc, but, I've run that quest countless times, and NEVER gotten one.
People so often forget how much luck can factor into this issue, lucky people will be rich, unlucky ones will not be.
Run Vail Rares. The Vail is my bank. Need funds a Vail run worth some good plat.
Reality is for people with no imagination
I totally understand, a good haggle bard gives you a big increase when you look at it like that, but on the other hand, you have to spend in-game time mailing, collecting running to the brokers etc... Being persistent with the AH and knowing what items sell and how to price them gets me probably more plat than I would using a haggle bard and not using the AH. The AH is just more efficent, in my mind, in terms of in-game time... T
You don´t get more out of life then you put in to it.