Fool and his money are soon parted...
Or in Dispels case;
If you have something that he doesn't, it must be nerfed.
If you can do something better then then him, it must be nerfed.
And now, if you have more money then him, you must be banned.
Fool and his money are soon parted...
Or in Dispels case;
If you have something that he doesn't, it must be nerfed.
If you can do something better then then him, it must be nerfed.
And now, if you have more money then him, you must be banned.
1. Rusts monsters eat money.
2. An epic rust monster invades Stormreach.
Problem solved.
- Raja Stormcrow -
Thelanis Permadeath
Long Live Xoriat | East Side | Spiritus Mundi
Your mistake was selling a highly desired item on the AH. You should sell/trade items like that in the forums where there is no tax.
I wonder if anyone reading actually catches the irony and IRL allusions it appears you're throwing
H4x, dude - there's not a finite pie you're trying to get a piece of; so because someone else has a bigger piece does NOT mean they took it from you. This applies IRL as well as in-game.
Last edited by blankdave; 01-02-2011 at 12:55 PM. Reason: just posted pic, forgot the text
Eggnog * Creamsoda * Soymilk * Orangedrink * Icedtea * Fruitpunch
Tonicwater * Limeade * Dietcola * Mangolassi * Rootbeer
Officer of Southern Tenant Farmers Union - Ghallanda