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  1. #1
    Community Member Loromir's Avatar
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    Default Solo Cleric Build

    I am debating rolling up a solo friendly battle Cleric. I have 4 ideas, which do you think will work best.

    1. 14 Clr / 6 Fighter for Radiant Servant II and Kensai I (Took the two extra lvls of Cleric for additional SP)
    2. 12 Clr / 6 Fighter / 2 Rogue for Radiant Servant II and Kensai I and Evasion
    3. 12 Fighter / 8 Clr for Kensai II Radiant Servant I (Took the two extra lvls of Cleric for additional SP)
    4. 12 Fighter / 6 Clr / 2 Rogue for Kensai II Radiant Servant I and Evasion.

    I plan on going Str based with Lvl ups in Str and around 12 - 14 Wis and 14 Con. Cleric lvls primarily for Healing and Buffing. Will be going THF route, so no feats spent on TWF.

    Will Evasion be uesless with having low Dex?

    Do any of these build have any merit?.....Thoughts?
    Last edited by kinggartk; 12-30-2010 at 12:17 PM.

  2. #2
    The Hatchery GeneralDiomedes's Avatar
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    I do a lot of dual boxing with my WF FvS (on my 1st TR, do mostly Elite) .. so here is my feedback.

    The number one thing that allows a weapon swinger to plow through a quest full of mobs is your ability to keep yourself alive and swinging. Personally, I wouldn't build a solo battle cleric without Heal and Death Pact, so that means minimum 15 cleric levels. Note that even a with a low Wisdom you can kill non-evasion mobs with Blade Barrier ..

    You are right that evasion with a low dex and low base from Cleric/Fighter levels will be next to useless. I suggest relying on your HP and buffs. If you went the evasion route, you would have to build for it.

    Now, by 'solo-friendly' you mean that you also want to group occasionally (presumably to get raid gear) then I would go for at least 17 cleric levels for Mass Heal .. although Radiant Servant with Empower may allow you do get away with a lesser spell, I'll defer to others on that one.

    EDIT: This build is along the lines I was thinking.
    Last edited by GeneralDiomedes; 12-30-2010 at 05:00 PM.

  3. #3
    Community Member Shyver's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kinggartk View Post
    I am debating rolling up a solo friendly battle Cleric. I have 4 ideas, which do you think will work best.

    1. 14 Clr / 6 Fighter for Radiant Servant II and Kensai I (Took the two extra lvls of Cleric for additional SP)
    2. 12 Clr / 6 Fighter / 2 Rogue for Radiant Servant II and Kensai I and Evasion
    3. 12 Fighter / 8 Clr for Kensai II Radiant Servant I (Took the two extra lvls of Cleric for additional SP)
    4. 12 Fighter / 6 Clr / 2 Rogue for Kensai II Radiant Servant I and Evasion.

    I plan on going Str based with Lvl ups in Str and around 12 - 14 Wis and 14 Con. Cleric lvls primarily for Healing and Buffing. Will be going THF route, so no feats spent on TWF.

    Will Evasion be uesless with having low Dex?

    Do any of these build have any merit?.....Thoughts?
    I would suggest checking out:

    The Lion Shaman - 12 cleric/6 paladin/2 monk ( I solo'd and/or 3 manned this build to cap in a little over a month)

    or Chimeran's Boar Shaman - 16 cleric/2 Fighter/2 Monk
    Old school Tharashk player since '06

  4. #4
    Halfling Hero phalaeo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kinggartk View Post
    I am debating rolling up a solo friendly battle Cleric. I have 4 ideas, which do you think will work best.

    1. 14 Clr / 6 Fighter for Radiant Servant II and Kensai I (Took the two extra lvls of Cleric for additional SP)
    2. 12 Clr / 6 Fighter / 2 Rogue for Radiant Servant II and Kensai I and Evasion
    3. 12 Fighter / 8 Clr for Kensai II Radiant Servant I (Took the two extra lvls of Cleric for additional SP)
    4. 12 Fighter / 6 Clr / 2 Rogue for Kensai II Radiant Servant I and Evasion.

    I tried a 12CLR/6FTR for Kensai 1... ended up LR'ing at level 18. Kensai 1 = not worth it. I'm finding that on a melee Cleric, the Aura helps a ton, so you want at least 12 levels Cleric.

    Have you considered....
    12CLR, mix of Paladin and Monk? At least 2 Pally for CHA bonus to saves, 3 Pally for the immunities if you want. 1 Monk if you only want WIS bonus to AC, 2 for Evasion, 3+ for Light/Dark path. Drop WIS, Take base CHA to 12 plus a +2 tome for Divine Might II.

    12CLR, 2 Rogue, etc.? Rogue for evasion and to unlock trap skills/full pts. into UMD, (Fighter for feats/HP), (Pally for reasons above) (Monk for reasons above)

    I plan on going Str based with Lvl ups in Str and around 12 - 14 Wis and 14 Con. Cleric lvls primarily for Healing and Buffing. Will be going THF route, so no feats spent on TWF.

    Think about that CHA to Divine Might. It really is worth it.

    Will Evasion be uesless with having low Dex?

    Yes. Unless you manage to put base points into INT and take Insightful Reflexes.

    Do any of these build have any merit?.....Thoughts?
    In yellow.
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  5. #5
    Community Member wax_on_wax_off's Avatar
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    17 cleric / 2 monk / 1 fighter (or rogue) best solo build ever, imo.

    Or at least, best solo build that I've played so far (and I've played a few, FvS is next up, I'll get back to you).

    Monk + cleric = win. High wisdom on a cleric = win.

    It should be noted that among the vets I have garnered a general consensus that high wisdom will develop a superior soloing ability in the long run the dash and smash is running out of steam. Before that happens, there isn't much difference in the DPS that a wisdom based cleric and a strength based cleric can dish out imo, mostly it comes down to buffs and then how long it takes but AC + high wis + evasion from monk will always win out

  6. #6
    Community Member DToNE's Avatar
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    As a soloist and party heavy build myself, anything that cannot handle traps is not solo friendly. The -LEAST- you want to do on a solo friendly build is be able to run through elite traps and hopefully survive through it. If you can't run back and forth between an enemy Blade Barrier freely while fighting, you'll easily become cornered.

    A solo cleric isn't about dishing out as much damage as possible, but rather it is to have as many options available to you as possible in as many situations as you can think up of. Things you might want to think about while building a solo build is:

    1) How survivable is it without buffs?
    2) How long can the build endure without heals?
    3) How many ways are there to conserve SP?
    4) How well would it hold up if harried by Red Dungeon Alert?
    5) How well would it handle the amount of enemies that will cause Red Dungeon Alert?
    6) How many elite traps can encounter before caving in?
    7) Will it be able to solo a red-named Doomsphere (Ghost Beholder)?
    8) Will it survive a full on ambush from Sins of Attrition solo?
    9) How long can the build remain in a helpless state before it becomes dangerous?
    10) How well will your build perform with only basic gear (Masterwork Full Plate, Rusty Longsword, etc etc etc); Will I survive a fight if I get Mord Disjunctioned (Dispels -ALL- magical effects including all special effects of equipment)?

    These aren't questions for others to ask you, these are questions you have to ask yourself. That and a pure soloist is gear deprived, remember that. The more party functionality is has the better the gear will eventually be. If your build cannot reliably heal through ToD you can throw out any hope of owning epic equipment, let alone being able to raid on a constant basis to acquire raid gear.

    From personal experience, every single Cleric I've met that didn't have at least 17 levels of Cleric are not very well geared. So being a pure soloist and having dreamy gear is a pipe dream.
    Last edited by DToNE; 12-31-2010 at 08:33 AM.

    The Anti-Conformist
    Quote Originally Posted by Zigana View Post
    ...It was a dwarven thrower--you know, it throws dwarves!

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