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I am debating rolling up a solo friendly battle Cleric. I have 4 ideas, which do you think will work best.
1. 14 Clr / 6 Fighter for Radiant Servant II and Kensai I (Took the two extra lvls of Cleric for additional SP)
2. 12 Clr / 6 Fighter / 2 Rogue for Radiant Servant II and Kensai I and Evasion
3. 12 Fighter / 8 Clr for Kensai II Radiant Servant I (Took the two extra lvls of Cleric for additional SP)
4. 12 Fighter / 6 Clr / 2 Rogue for Kensai II Radiant Servant I and Evasion.
I tried a 12CLR/6FTR for Kensai 1... ended up LR'ing at level 18. Kensai 1 = not worth it. I'm finding that on a melee Cleric, the Aura helps a ton, so you want at least 12 levels Cleric.
Have you considered....
12CLR, mix of Paladin and Monk? At least 2 Pally for CHA bonus to saves, 3 Pally for the immunities if you want. 1 Monk if you only want WIS bonus to AC, 2 for Evasion, 3+ for Light/Dark path. Drop WIS, Take base CHA to 12 plus a +2 tome for Divine Might II.
12CLR, 2 Rogue, etc.? Rogue for evasion and to unlock trap skills/full pts. into UMD, (Fighter for feats/HP), (Pally for reasons above) (Monk for reasons above)
I plan on going Str based with Lvl ups in Str and around 12 - 14 Wis and 14 Con. Cleric lvls primarily for Healing and Buffing. Will be going THF route, so no feats spent on TWF.
Think about that CHA to Divine Might. It really is worth it.
Will Evasion be uesless with having low Dex?
Yes. Unless you manage to put base points into INT and take Insightful Reflexes.
Do any of these build have any merit?.....Thoughts?