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Thread: Trading....

  1. #1
    Community Member theDrama's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Default Trading....

    looking for:

    Scroll of Torch of Prince Raiyum
    Scroll of Staff of Arcane Power
    Scroll of Dustless Boots
    Scroll of Green Blade
    Red Dragon Scales

    I've for trade:

    Scroll of Necklace of the Silver Prophecy
    Scroll of Necklace of the Crimson Prophecy
    Scroll of Kundarak Warding Shield
    Scroll of the Ring of the Silver Concord
    Scroll of Ironweave Robe
    Scroll of Kundarak Delving Suite
    Scroll of Kundarak Delving Goggles
    Scroll of Kundarak Warding Bracers
    Scroll of the Belt of the Mroranon
    Scroll of Helm of the Mroranon
    Scroll of the Dragon's Eye
    Scroll of the Sword of Shadow
    Scroll of the Docent of Grace
    Scroll of the Hammer of Life
    Scroll of Ruby Encrusted Gauntlets
    Scroll of the Stonemeld Plate

    Scroll of the Hellfire Crossbow
    Scroll of Staff of Nat Gann
    Scroll of Helm of Frost
    Scroll of Scorched Bracers
    Scroll of Gem of Many Facets
    Scroll of the Robe of the Diabolist
    Scroll of the Infested Armor
    Scroll of the Timeblade

    Scroll of Hyena Claw Necklace
    Scroll of Dynastic Falcata
    Scroll of Coronation Shield
    Scroll of Chainmail Coif
    Scroll of Ancient Vulkoorim Dagger
    Scroll of Flint
    Scroll of Ward of Undeath
    Scroll of Sting
    Scroll of Vulkoorim Pendant
    Scroll of Adeherent's Pendant
    Scroll of Golden Graves
    Scroll of Scirocco
    Scroll of Thornlord
    Scroll of Bracers of the Hunter
    Scroll of the Bloodstone
    Scroll of the Robe of Fire
    Scroll of the Cape of the roc
    Scroll of the Collapsible Shortbow
    Scroll of the Bow of Elements (air)
    Scroll of Wolf Whistle
    Scroll of Weathered Targe
    Scroll of Vambraces of Inner Lights
    Scroll of the Vulkoorim Dervish Robe
    Scroll of the Ring of Baphoment
    Scroll of Mummy Wrappings
    Scroll of Tourney Armor
    Scroll of the Xuum
    Scroll of the Bejeweled Letter Opener
    Scroll of the Vulkoorim Fighting Leathers
    Scroll of the Firestorm Graves
    Scroll of Silken Mail

    Scroll of the Elder Focus
    Scroll of the Frozen Plate

    Scroll of Blademark's Docent
    Scroll of Midnight Greetings

    Scroll of the Mask of Comedy
    Scroll of the Big Top
    Scroll of Roderik's Wand
    Scroll of Utility Vest
    Scroll of the Full Plate of the Ringleader
    Scroll of Garos' Malice
    Scroll of Brawn's Spirit

    i update the list every day...
    send me a pm or tell Eritrius in game if interessed.
    Last edited by theDrama; 01-09-2011 at 09:10 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    There are 4 different posts (not including this one) of the exact, same, thing, on the first 2 pages of this forum:
    Quote Originally Posted by theDrama View Post
    looking for:

    Scroll of Torch of Prince Raiyum
    Scroll of Spell Storing
    Scroll of Staff of Arcane Power
    Scroll of Dustless Boots
    Scroll of Green Blade
    Red Dragon Scales
    Blue Scales

    I've for trade:

    Scroll of Tourney Armor
    Scroll of Hyena Claw Necklace
    Scroll of Dynastic Falcata
    Scroll of Coronation Shield
    Scroll of Chainmail Coif
    Scroll of Ancient Vulkoorim Dagger
    Scroll of Flint
    Scroll of Ward of Undeath
    Scroll of Sting
    Scroll of Vulkoorim Pendant
    Scroll of Necklace of the Silver Prophecy
    Scroll of Necklace of the Crimson Prophecy
    Scroll of Adeherent's Pendant
    Scroll of Golden Graves
    Scroll of Scirocco
    Scroll of Cacophonic Verge
    Scroll of Thornlord
    Scroll of the Staff of Inner Sight
    Scroll of Kundarak Warding Shield
    Scroll of Bracers of the Hunter
    Scroll of the Ring of the Silver Concord
    Scroll of the Bloodstone
    Scroll of the Robe of Fire
    Scroll of the Cape of the roc
    Scroll of the Collapsible Shortbow
    Scroll of the Bow of Elements (air)
    Scroll of the Hellfire Crossbow
    Scroll of Ruby Encrusted Gauntlets
    Scroll of Ironweave Robe
    Scroll of Kundarak Delving Suite
    Scroll of Blademark's Docent
    Scroll of Midnight Greetings
    Scroll of Staff of Nat Gann
    Scroll of Kundarak Delving Goggles
    Scroll of Wolf Whistle
    Scroll of Timeblade
    Scroll of Weathered Targe
    Scroll of Brawn's Spirit
    Scroll of Kundarak Warding Bracers
    Scroll of Helm of Frost
    Scroll of Garos' Malice
    Scroll of Vambraces of Inner Lights
    Scroll of Utility Vest
    Scroll of the Full Plate of the Ringleader
    Scroll of the Vulkoorim Dervish Robe
    Scroll of the Ring of Baphoment
    Scroll of Mummy Wrappings
    Scroll of Scorched Bracers
    Scroll of Gem of Many Facets
    Scroll of the Belt of the Mroranon
    Scroll of Helm of the Mroranon
    Scroll of the Xuum
    Scroll of the Stonemeld Plate
    Scroll of the Dragon's Eye
    Scroll of the Bejeweled Letter Opener
    Scroll of the Sword of Shadow
    Scroll of Roderik's Wand
    Scroll of the Vulkoorim Fighting Leathers
    Scroll of the Hammer of Life
    Scroll of the Docent of Grace
    Scroll of the Firestorm Graves
    Scroll of the Mask of Comedy
    Scroll of the Big Top
    Scroll of the Jidz-Tet'ka

    i update the list every day...
    send me a pm or tell Eritrius in game if interessed.
    Quote Originally Posted by theDrama View Post
    looking for:

    Scroll of Torch of Prince Raiyum
    Scroll of Spell Storing
    Scroll of Staff of Arcane Power
    Scroll of Dustless Boots
    Scroll of Green Blade
    Red Dragon Scales
    Blue Scales

    I've for trade:

    Scroll of Tourney Armor
    Scroll of Hyena Claw Necklace
    Scroll of Dynastic Falcata
    Scroll of Coronation Shield
    Scroll of Chainmail Coif
    Scroll of Ancient Vulkoorim Dagger
    Scroll of Flint
    Scroll of Ward of Undeath
    Scroll of Sting
    Scroll of Vulkoorim Pendant
    Scroll of Necklace of the Silver Prophecy
    Scroll of Necklace of the Crimson Prophecy
    Scroll of Adeherent's Pendant
    Scroll of Golden Graves
    Scroll of Scirocco
    Scroll of Cacophonic Verge
    Scroll of Thornlord
    Scroll of the Staff of Inner Sight
    Scroll of Kundarak Warding Shield
    Scroll of Bracers of the Hunter
    Scroll of the Ring of the Silver Concord
    Scroll of the Bloodstone
    Scroll of the Robe of Fire
    Scroll of the Cape of the roc
    Scroll of the Collapsible Shortbow
    Scroll of the Bow of Elements (air)
    Scroll of the Hellfire Crossbow
    Scroll of Ruby Encrusted Gauntlets
    Scroll of Ironweave Robe
    Scroll of Kundarak Delving Suite
    Scroll of Blademark's Docent
    Scroll of Midnight Greetings
    Scroll of Staff of Nat Gann
    Scroll of Kundarak Delving Goggles
    Scroll of Wolf Whistle
    Scroll of Timeblade
    Scroll of Weathered Targe
    Scroll of Brawn's Spirit
    Scroll of Kundarak Warding Bracers
    Scroll of Helm of Frost
    Scroll of the Boots of Corrotion
    Scroll of Garos' Malice
    Scroll of Vambraces of Inner Lights
    Scroll of Utility Vest
    Scroll of the Full Plate of the Ringleader
    Scroll of the Vulkoorim Dervish Robe
    Scroll of the Boots of Corrosion
    Scroll of the Ring of Baphoment
    Scroll of Mummy Wrappings
    Scroll of Scorched Bracers
    Scroll of Gem of Many Facets
    Scroll of the Belt of the Mroranon
    Scroll of Helm of the Mroranon
    Scroll of the Xuum
    Scroll of the Stonemeld Plate
    Scroll of the Dragon's Eye
    Scroll of the Bejeweled Letter Opener
    Scroll of the Sword of Shadow
    Scroll of Roderik's Wand
    Scroll of the Vulkoorim Fighting Leathers
    Scroll of the Hammer of Life
    Scroll of the Docent of Grace

    i update the list every day...
    send me a pm or tell Eritrius in game if interessed.
    Quote Originally Posted by theDrama View Post
    Im interessed in primis in a Pale lavender ioun stone (whit suppressed power).

    looking for:

    Scroll of Torch of Prince Raiyum
    Scroll of Spell Storing
    Scroll of Staff of Arcane Power
    Scroll of Dustless Boots
    Scroll of Green Blade
    Red Dragon Scales
    Blue Scales

    I've for trade:

    Scroll of Tourney Armor
    Scroll of Hyena Claw Necklace
    Scroll of Dynastic Falcata
    Scroll of Coronation Shield
    Scroll of Chainmail Coif
    Scroll of Ancient Vulkoorim Dagger
    Scroll of Flint
    Scroll of Ward of Undeath
    Scroll of Sting
    Scroll of Vulkoorim Pendant
    Scroll of Necklace of the Silver Prophecy
    Scroll of Necklace of the Crimson Prophecy
    Scroll of Adeherent's Pendant
    Scroll of Golden Graves
    Scroll of Scirocco
    Scroll of Cacophonic Verge
    Scroll of Thornlord
    Scroll of the Staff of Inner Sight
    Scroll of Kundarak Warding Shield
    Scroll of Bracers of the Hunter
    Scroll of the Ring of the Silver Concord
    Scroll of the Bloodstone
    Scroll of the Robe of Fire
    Scroll of the Cape of the roc
    Scroll of the Collapsible Shortbow
    Scroll of the Bow of Elements (air)
    Scroll of the Hellfire Crossbow
    Scroll of Ruby Encrusted Gauntlets
    Scroll of Ironweave Robe
    Scroll of Kundarak Delving Suite
    Scroll of Blademark's Docent
    Scroll of Midnight Greetings
    Scroll of Staff of Nat Gann
    Scroll of Kundarak Delving Goggles
    Scroll of Wolf Whistle
    Scroll of Timeblade
    Scroll of Weathered Targe
    Scroll of Brawn's Spirit
    Scroll of Kundarak Warding Bracers
    Scroll of Helm of Frost
    Scroll of the Boots of Corrotion
    Scroll of Garos' Malice
    Scroll of Vambraces of Inner Lights
    Scroll of Utility Vest
    Scroll of the Full Plate of the Ringleader
    Scroll of the Vulkoorim Dervish Robe
    Scroll of the Boots of Corrosion
    Scroll of the Ring of Baphoment
    Scroll of Mummy Wrappings
    Scroll of Scorched Bracers
    Scroll of Gem of Many Facets
    Scroll of the Belt of the Mroranon
    Scroll of Helm of the Mroranon
    Scroll of the Xuum
    Scroll of the Stonemeld Plate
    Scroll of the Dragon's Eye
    Scroll of the Bejeweled Letter Opener
    Scroll of the Sword of Shadow
    Scroll of Roderik's Wand
    Scroll of the Vulkoorim Fighting Leathers
    Scroll of the Hammer of Life
    Scroll o f the Docent of Grace

    i update the list every day...
    send me a pm or tell Eritrius in game if interessed.
    Quote Originally Posted by theDrama View Post
    Im interessed in primis in a Pale lavender ioun stone (whit suppressed power).

    looking for:

    Scroll of Torch of Prince Raiyum
    Scroll of Spell Storing
    Scroll of Staff of Arcane Power
    Scroll of Dustless Boots
    Scroll of Green Blade
    Red Dragon Scales
    Blue Scales

    I've for trade:

    Scroll of Tourney Armor
    Scroll of Hyena Claw Necklace
    Scroll of Dynastic Falcata
    Scroll of Coronation Shield
    Scroll of Chainmail Coif
    Scroll of Ancient Vulkoorim Dagger
    Scroll of Flint
    Scroll of Ward of Undeath
    Scroll of Sting
    Scroll of Vulkoorim Pendant
    Scroll of Necklace of the Silver Prophecy
    Scroll of Necklace of the Crimson Prophecy
    Scroll of Adeherent's Pendant
    Scroll of Golden Graves
    Scroll of Scirocco
    Scroll of Cacophonic Verge
    Scroll of Thornlord
    Scroll of the Staff of Inner Sight
    Scroll of Kundarak Warding Shield
    Scroll of Bracers of the Hunter
    Scroll of the Ring of the Silver Concord
    Scroll of the Bloodstone
    Scroll of the Robe of Fire
    Scroll of the Cape of the roc
    Scroll of the Collapsible Shortbow
    Scroll of the Bow of Elements (air)
    Scroll of the Hellfire Crossbow
    Scroll of Ruby Encrusted Gauntlets
    Scroll of Ironweave Robe
    Scroll of Kundarak Delving Suite
    Scroll of Blademark's Docent
    Scroll of Midnight Greetings
    Scroll of Staff of Nat Gann
    Scroll of Kundarak Delving Goggles
    Scroll of Wolf Whistle
    Scroll of Timeblade
    Scroll of Weathered Targe
    Scroll of Brawn's Spirit
    Scroll of Kundarak Warding Bracers
    Scroll of Helm of Frost
    Scroll of the Boots of Corrotion
    Scroll of Garos' Malice
    Scroll of Vambraces of Inner Lights
    Scroll of Utility Vest
    Scroll of the Full Plate of the Ringleader
    Scroll of the Vulkoorim Dervish Robe
    Scroll of the Boots of Corrosion
    Scroll of the Ring of Baphoment
    Scroll of Mummy Wrappings
    Scroll of Scorched Bracers
    Scroll of Gem of Many Facets
    Scroll of the Belt of the Mroranon
    Scroll of Helm of the Mroranon
    Scroll of the Xuum
    Scroll of the Stonemeld Plate
    Scroll of the Dragon's Eye
    Scroll of the Bejeweled Letter Opener
    Scroll of the Sword of Shadow (last scroll traded for 6 red scale)
    Scroll of Roderik's Wand

    i update the list every day...
    send me a pm or tell Eritrius in game if interessed.
    Could you please just edit/update and bump a single thread instead of re-posting every few days? It would save space on the front page of the forum and allow for easier viewing.

    Also, maybe people would actually read your posts to see what you added/updated instead of just ignoring every post you make under the assumption that it is the exact same list that you posted the previous days. A bumped post with edit/additions in the bumps is a much more effective method advertisement than a long list of unorganized items.
    Vasska - A Tribe Called Zerg - Cannith

  3. 12-30-2010, 05:11 PM

  4. #3
    Community Member theDrama's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Added Scroll of the Elder Focus

  5. #4
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    ciucciami il calzino eritrius!

  6. #5
    Community Member theDrama's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010



  7. #6
    Community Member theDrama's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Scroll of the Jidz-Tet'ka traded

  8. #7
    Community Member theDrama's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    added Scroll of the Robe of the Diabolist

  9. #8
    Community Member theDrama's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Scroll of the Staff of Inner Sight traded

  10. #9
    Community Member theDrama's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Scroll of the Hellstroke Greataxe added

  11. #10
    Community Member theDrama's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Traded Scroll of the Timeblade and added Scroll of the Frozen Plate

  12. #11
    Community Member theDrama's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Scroll of the Infested Armor and Scroll of the Timeblade added

  13. #12
    Community Member theDrama's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Scroll of the Hellstroke Greataxe traded

  14. #13
    Community Member theDrama's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    added Scroll of Silken Mail

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