I want to play an elf as my next character, but can't figure out what they're good at.
I was thinking Wizard */Rogue 2 at first, but it seems that WF, Drow or Human would be better choices for that. I started looking into Arcane Archer builds, but get the impression that ranged combat isn't very good in DDO, and tends to get in the way of spellcasting.
Cleric or Favored Soul would be kind of cool, and I liked the idea of a FvS */Paladin 2 or Cleric */Monk 2 for a more defense focused character. But again, Elf doesn't seem to do much for these classes unless it's a Melee TWF FvS, and I'm not too keen on that since I already have a TWF Ranger/Rogue.
I considered Bard, but I was hoping to get more powerful spellcasting than that.
Any suggestions? I've mostly been looking at these builds by sigtrent:
Maybe I should just make a Drow with pale skin and blonde hair?