Hey, is there a way to tell if you used a +2 tome or not.. I bought some when they were on sale from the store, but I can't remember which characters I have used them on so far, is there a way to check so I don't waste one?
Hey, is there a way to tell if you used a +2 tome or not.. I bought some when they were on sale from the store, but I can't remember which characters I have used them on so far, is there a way to check so I don't waste one?
Check the ddo store on that character.
If it dosent have a +2 tome of str for sale, you used one on that char.
If none of the +2 tomes are for sale for that character, you used a supreme or all +2s.
Mouse over the stat in your character sheet, if you used a tome it will show up there as a +2 Inherent bonus to the stat.
On your stat sheet, hover over the stat number to see if you have an inherant bonus to that stat. If you do , that means you did use the tome.
If you hover over the stat on your character sheet it should say +2 inherent bonus if you ate a +2 tome.
Please split the class forums into REAL subcategories this is a jumbled mess.