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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Unhappy UI shortcut bar (1-0) question

    Hello to everyone,

    I have a stupid question. I searched in pdf game manual, spend a couple hours in this forum but still cannot find out this piece of info.

    My question:

    There is the shortcut bar with 10 slots to put on spells, item etc, for quick use into battle. There a small arrow at the left of this bar that let you add more similar (up to 20 if I remember well) bars. The keymapping for the bar 1 are the keys 1 to 0. I cannot figure out the keymapping for the bar 2, 3,..etc (I expected something like alt+1 to alt+0 or ctrl+1 to ctrl+0). I noticed the "-","=" keys that changes the primary bar to previous or next but i cannot use it in battle, It seems I am beeing lost through bars and never pick the right bar under battle pressure.

    Please tell me this "secret" key mapping!!!
    PLEASE HELP (/beg). I play with cleric and I need AT LEAST 3-4 fuctional, key mapped, shortcut bars...

    thank you in advance,

    PS. I already checked the UI settings in options. If my anwser is in there i messed it more that twice.

  2. #2
    Community Member MRH's Avatar
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    Oct 2009


    Under Options > key mapping

    You will scroll down to where you see Bar1 Slot1 - Slot0 , here you can clear and reassign those.

    Next will be shortcut bar2 slot1 - slot0 -

    ETC... for shortcut bar3 slot1-slot0 , shortcut bar4 slot1-slot0

    The main toolbar has that little arrow you can click to open new toolbars, each toolbar will have its toolbar # on the edge of the toolbar.

    There is the one already has control1 - control0 set and the one for numbers 1-0

    I have on some toons 14 toolbars open.... only 10 of them you can set custom key combos for....

    I use the default 1-0 , cntrl 1- cntrl 0, shift 1- shift0, shift a - shift j , cntrl shift 1 - cntrl shift 0, alt 1 - alt 0, alt a - alt j, cntrl alt 1- cntrl alt 0, alt shift 1 - alt shift 0 , & cntrl a - cntrl j.

    So my toolbars are setup like that.... done in the key mapping section in Options.

    hope that helps
    Last edited by MRH; 12-29-2010 at 02:41 AM.
    Past Lives : 18pal/2rogue, 20fighter
    *A lady asked me one time if I could call her a cab from I didn't move and said "Your a cab"*

  3. #3
    Community Member MRH's Avatar
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    To assign new key mapping ..... either clear an existing one or click in the box next to the slot you want to map.... and press the button(s) you want that slot to be....
    Past Lives : 18pal/2rogue, 20fighter
    *A lady asked me one time if I could call her a cab from I didn't move and said "Your a cab"*

  4. #4
    I <3 DDO MarDeRoam's Avatar
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    The loading screen tips give many new player tips, including some about the shortcutbars, like these:
    Tip #143: You can change shortcut bars by pressing the '=' key, or jump to one bar in particular by pressing 'Ctrl' plus the number of the shortcut bar.
    Tip #145: Use the number keys (1, 2, 3, to 9, 0) to activate the corresponding feat, skill, spell, or weapon bound to that space on the shortcut bar.

    I.E. if you have a specific weapon/skill/spell on bar 3 space 5, you hit CRTL3 then 5 to select that weapon (if you haven't messed with the key-mapping). You can also assign any key to any place on any bar. If you have a place for your cure pots, set an easy to reach key for that space (i myself use T and Z for cure pots, when in emergency i just can hit T or Z and drink a cure pot). (( T and Z are default assigned to do different things, mouselook and select item, you have to switch these off to use them for hotbarkeys))

    I hope these will help you.
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harpwood View Post
    PS. I already checked the UI settings in options. If my anwser is in there i messed it more that twice.
    i meant "missed it" not "messed it"

    Thank you for your answers everyone...

    About tips #(number), the loading screen last a couple of seconds. Not enough time to read them, unless there's an update in progress...

    I will log in now to arrange my bars

    waitor in gourmet restaurant :"How did you find your steak sir?"
    customer :"Easy, it was under the parsley..."
    Last edited by Harpwood; 12-29-2010 at 09:09 AM.

  6. #6
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    I have it set, and I think it may even be the default setting, so the NumPad numbers select which hotbar is active.

    The 1-0 along the top is all I ever use for skills/spells without any modifier key, I just swap between which set of 1-0 is active by hitting the bar's corresponding number on the NumPad.

    Num Lock must be on for this to work.

  7. #7
    I <3 DDO MarDeRoam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harpwood View Post

    About tips #(number), the loading screen last a couple of seconds. Not enough time to read them, unless there's an update in progress...
    That's why the DDO-Wiki has them all on a page, just hit the link and you can read each and every loadingscreen tip as long and often as you like :-)

    How did the arranging work?
    ~Being defeated is only a temporary condition; giving up is what makes it permanent.~
    ~ The Thieves Guild Argonnessen ~ Valentine 2011 <3 Most Romantic Guild

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by MarDeRoam View Post
    How did the arranging work?
    Fine, I could make a better arrangement, but got 10 days lucky surprise hollidays. I've been Invated to perform Jazz in Athens. See you after 10 days AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

  9. #9
    Community Member BattleCircle's Avatar
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    Don't know if it will help you or not, but my hotbar(s) is configured 1-5 and then q,e,f,z,and mouse button3 for 6-0. This way I am never stretching to reach a slot.

    Gratz on the Athens gig

  10. #10
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    thank you...


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