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  1. #1
    Community Member krauron's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default trade trade trade

    I'm looking for

    red scales
    scroll marilith chain
    scroll torch
    scroll green blade
    pale lavander ioun stone
    scroll pouch jerky
    scroll staff arcane power

    I' ve

    scroll Hruvayah's medallion
    scroll vulkoorim fighting leathers x2
    scroll staff of inner sight x2
    scroll of tinderx2
    scroll ring of spell storing
    scroll bow of the elements
    scroll tourney armor
    scroll kundarak warding bracers
    scroll helm of mroranon
    scroll collapsible shortbow
    scroll belt of mroranon
    scroll of the flint
    scroll kundarak delving googles
    scroll midnight greetings
    scroll bracers of deftness
    scroll dusk heart
    scroll shield of scorpion
    scroll unkor's cleaver
    scroll nacklace azure prophecy
    scroll whirlwind
    scroll blademark's docent
    scroll firestorm graves x2
    scroll greatclub scrag
    scroll sacred band
    scroll spiked turban
    scroll raven's sight
    scroll full plate of ringleader
    scroll kronzek's cruelty
    scroll sandstorm glasses
    scroll spectral gloves
    scroll chainmail coif
    scroll hyena claw necklace x2
    scroll cape of the roc
    scroll dragon's eye
    scroll shatterbow
    scroll silver concord ring
    scroll bracer of the hunter
    scroll silken mail
    scroll sirocco x2
    scroll stinkpelt's hide
    scroll weathered targe x2
    scroll wolf whistle
    scroll vulkoorim dervish robe
    scroll bejeweled letter opener
    scroll aderent's pendant x2
    scroll ring of baphomet x2
    scroll robe of fire x3
    scroll zephyr x2
    scroll golden graves x2
    scroll dynastic falcata
    scroll ward of undead
    scroll xuum x2
    scroll ring of elemental essence
    scroll demon scale armor
    scroll gloves of the falcon
    scroll anciet vulkoorim dagger
    scroll delving suit
    scroll siren's charm
    demon blood
    devil keepsake x2
    5 scales black dragon
    Last edited by krauron; 12-29-2010 at 10:35 AM.

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