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  1. #1
    Community Member nwo146's Avatar
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    May 2010

    Angry tired of people complaining about ddo

    if u don't enjoy the game, then play the one you enjoy & let the ones who do enjoy it.

  2. #2
    Community Member nwo146's Avatar
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    May 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by nwo146 View Post
    if u don't enjoy the game, then play the one you enjoy & let the ones who do enjoy it.
    to each thier own.

  3. #3
    Community Member GBantaR's Avatar
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    Dec 2009


    Agreed. Anything that you're not enjoying about the game is player-related (either yourself or someone you're grouping with). Proven by the thousands and thousands and thousands of people who enjoy the game every day.

    With extremely rare exceptions (really, really rare, like a lottery that only US people can play) there's nothing wrong with the way things are run - it's just your own considerations or the d-bags you're playing with.

    The only things that could really be improved is the rate and quality of content update, but these DO happen and they ARE getting better and more frequent, so no room for complaint, and lag reduction, which IS getting better and better in my experience(tm), so no room for complaint.

    Anything else is player-based. Your build is not good enough for you to get enjoyment out of it, or the other players are jack holes and ruin your enjoyment. Blaming the game for that kind of thing is missing the mark widely.
    Last edited by GBantaR; 12-27-2010 at 09:13 PM.
    "These fauchards have gone too far!"
    Hi Welcome

  4. #4
    Community Member Timber's Avatar
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    Somewhat agree. Critism from the community is important for the games growth and development... but if someone is going to complain about everything, they really should reroll a new game.
    - Discreet , Ruffle , Unlikely , Skunker -

  5. #5
    Community Member Wizard_Zero's Avatar
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    Default yes.

    I was just thinking about making a forum topic about this last night. I agree. A little complaining is ok, that is how things improve. Some of the things people complain about is ludicrous, then again, people love to complain. Just human nature, people just like to complain about every aspect in life.

  6. #6
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    The problem with foums is that its hard to really tell what kind of tone/emotion is being used in certain responses. While one person views it as complaining or whining, another could see as calm and constructive critisism. But I do agree, some people are just here to troll and be turds.
    Thelanis - Active Toons -> Gyversix, Lootforge, Reyvhin, Darkmeat, Yukka, Raypac

    Leader of Solid

  7. #7
    Community Member KillEveryone's Avatar
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    Rabble Rabble!

    Rabble Rabble, Rabble Rabble Rabble!!!!!


    Sometimes a complaint needs to be aired. Some things have changed for the better due to peoples complaints.
    Disappointed and without trust in the powers that be.

  8. #8
    Community Member
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    I ignore the threads in the forums with the likes:

    1) What annoys you?
    2) Stupid Noob Remarks
    3) Idiotic LFMs
    4) I hate this guy and I /squelched
    5) Why the Raid failed because of this stupid noob

    Sometimes it is no longer fun reading the forums 'coz it is stressful, too much negativity.

    Spread the love!


  9. #9
    Hero patang01's Avatar
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    constructive criticism is always a good thing. I'm sure it's a win win situation for everyone that the community helps Turbine make a good game even better.
    Forcefully happy regardless of issues only leads to poorly implemented ideas. I think Turbines many invites to Lamannia of late is an indication that they take our ideas seriously. It's always nice to be able to help provide feedback on stuff to be released; like the many improvements to the Mabar event before it hit live (as suggested by players) and that of U8.
    Fanboyism (I'm not saying that the OP is guilty of that at all) only stifles future content.

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