Been looking at the item sets and I am not seeing any thing that makes me say "wow that's great" I may be short sited on this but my limited experience in the game for look it probally more to blame. I am currently banking the marbar robe and cloak at lv 12 and 16 for my PM. I have a generic +4 int head, use a scepter clickie inferno, 50% damage fire I have the other elements but can't remember the names ATM. Also have voice of the master for a trinket, feather fall on the boots, power 9 dagger which I take off after buffing and replace it with major lore item for what I plan to be casting mainly firewall. I am going to work to get flagged for da I would like the torc that gives sp back. I know about gs items but that cones later as I understand. I do plan to tr this toon when I get to 20 into a drow wiz again or a wf. The problem is I would loose the marbar robes but I could go AM, I will cross the bridge when I get there.
In short what should I be working towards at 11, any thing that will make my tr life much easier?
Also is it me or is the sora kell set really nice on clerics? Been using it and think it is awesome, but that could be simply be that I don't know of better.