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Should I make a character on this server and who would i join with *gasps*
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Should I make a character on this server and who would i join with *gasps*
You shouldnt, :P guess just a server full of meanies.
No Don't Go To There Not The Dark Side Youl Get Good Pugs And Some Good Nice Players There Stay On Orien!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But the darkside does have a better dental plan
Kuggi-Dwarven kensai -- Jharwiir-WF LoB Aov FVS -- Arihmann-Human Rouge,Ranger,Fighter TWF evasion DPS -- Urilend-WF Wizrouge AM
Ill have to mull it over,cant be as bad as Sar
Sure make a character on Argonesson. We enjoy ignoring new players.
I am, Rameses!
Argonnessen's only Halfling Paragon.