But why, Grease is fun right? Wrong! Grease is negative haste, and as much as players love haste, they should hate grease.
Grease. Currently, the only thing its good at is griefing party/raid members. It is one of the few remaining "friendly-fire" spells left, but sense DDO doesn't really do friendly-fire (Firewall dance anyone?), it seems like Grease is a bit out of place in terms of how it functions in DDO.
Grease, as many are aware, forces everyone in the AOE to save or fall, really slowing down party movement, and disabling jumping in the process. Sense movement is extremely important in DDO, it makes this spell an awful choice to use, in every situation.
That being said, I want to like grease, I really do, but as it currently stands, I just can't. The fact that Grease does more damage to my party then most mob pulls prevents me from ever daring to lay down the oily black slide of doom.
Grease could be so useful, and it should be, as it is the first-tier spell-like ability for Conjuration speced archmages.
So, how do we turn nasty old Grease into the awesome CC that it could be?
1) Grease should only effect enemies. That way, it does more good than harm, which is unfortunately not the case now
2) Allow Grease to be effected by Heighten. If the "friendly-fire" version of Grease is replaced by the party-friendly version I suggest, there is no reason me to deny me my +9 DC Grease
Those 2 above suggestions would greatly improve Grease, and give players one less reason to rage-quit groups
What do people think? Good idea, bad idea? Reasonable? Anyone have an suggestions? Don't be shy...